Page 129 of A Touch of Savagery

“Yeah, but I met this fine fairy while I was living in Emaray,” said Aiden. “Long story.”

“I kidnapped him,” Wren said with a completely straight face. “And I forced him to marry me.”

“I went along with it because they’ve got a great ass.” Aiden tried to keep a straight face too, but he ended up laughing.

Rhys chuckled. “Technically, someone else really did kidnap me for Kalen. That’s also kind of a long story.”

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

Aspen left them to walk around the High Table. Oriel was standing over his cousin’s body with his arms folded.

“I kind of want to stab her,” Oriel said as Roth joined them. “Or chop off her fucking head and stick it on a spike. But I think I’ll have a healer bring her around and simply hang her on a short rope. I want this to be done and over with.”

It took a while to get things organized. They had to bring in the rest of the army, what was left of Asara’s, and gather the citizens. Instead of building a gallows, they picked a good tree in the woods on the way, and Oriel said he planned to leave her body there to rot. Later, she would be buried in a common grave, and she wouldn’t get the honor of being placed in the tomb for rulers.

Aspen thought it was fitting for scum like her. It was a savage way to go, but Oriel also wouldn’t be forcing people to see and smell a corpse. Once Oriel stood in front of the citizens on a crate so those farther back could see him better, they seemed to understand and agree.

The story of Wren and their family’s treatment had already spread like fire. Wren stood with them to one side. Fortunately, everyone was fine, and Asara hadn’t harmed any of them since Wren had agreed to obey her. The Mother took the daughter away once Oriel stopped speaking, apparently not wanting her to see a hanging. Aspen didn’t blame her.

He wanted to see it. This war would be truly over with her dead. Asara was brought out, and the healer had fixed her so she was completely aware of everything, although they hadn’t cleaned her up.

The people stared as she was hauled over to the tree by two men. Some started to throw insults like traitor Queen. Aspen heard the word greedy more than once.

“He’s your cousin!”

“You hurt your own too!”

“Greedy bitch!”

Asara’s face was completely stoic while she stood on the crate, and the noose was placed around her neck. With the collar and her hands tied behind her, she was completely helpless. Her eyes flicked to Wren and settled on Aspen.

“You would have gladly watched me die from poison!” he shouted. “Fuck you!”

Oriel’s face was like stone as the men backed up. He marched over and lifted his boot. Something seemed to snap in the Queen’s eyes with death looming.

“Wait! Oriel-”

He ignored her and kicked the crate out from under her feet. She went limp and immediately started kicking as if that would somehow help her. The rope was strong and looped over a sturdy branch, so she wasn’t going anywhere. She cast her desperate eyes at the crowd, but no one rushed forward to help her, and no one appeared to have any sympathy.

Roth watched her with folded arms. The Queen twisted a bit and begged Oriel for mercy with her eyes, but he simply held her gaze.

It takes a while to die on a short rope. It probably felt like an eternity to her. Her movements grew weaker and soon stopped which meant she was unconscious but not quite dead. Her face was red, and Aspen finally looked away. Roth put his arm around him.

Once a Commander pronounced her dead, Aspen didn’t feel relief or particularly better. Technically, everything was over, but none of them would forget it, and they’d all bear various physical and mental scars for life.

They had dinner in the Castle that evening. Higher-ups and Commanders ate inside, soldiers slotted themselves wherever, and the rest stayed outside. Oriel kept the Hall cleared so they could have some peace, although he invited Wren and their family to eat with them.

Aspen had never seen a little girl eat so much food in one sitting. Nariel packed two full plates down as if she had a hollow leg to fill. Afterward, she sat on Wren’s lap and picked from their plate while occasionally snatching bits from Aiden’s.

The atmosphere was somehow lighter because the war was finally over. It was heavier because the betrayal stung, and Oriel was obviously feeling it the most.

“I don’t want this Kingdom,” he said once they were nearly done. “Technically, I am the King of the Windswept Isles now since there’s no one else, so I can do what I want. Kalani, how do you feel about trading the title of Captain for Queen?”

She nearly choked on her wine. “Me? I barely fought in this war. I came in here to stick with you in the final bit, but not for a reward.”

“You got Aspen off of this island, and I know things between you were a bit rough, but you saved his life. You got him south to me. You also let him stay on your ship where he felt safe.” Oriel tilted his head. “You can still be a sailor, but I think you’d be a good Queen. This is a Kingdom built around boats and fishing. You surely know people and could increase trade. You could build the army back up. I know it would be in good hands. Besides, if you agree to be Queen, who can tell you that you’re not allowed to step foot on a ship again?”

Kalani thought for a moment. “Maybe, but I’d have to talk this over with my girls first.”