Page 11 of A Touch of Savagery

It was much easier to fuck Oriel.

“Don’t tear his arse up,” said one. “The healer might tell if we have to call her down. We’re too close to port now. We’ll be there tomorrow morning, and he won’t heal on his own that fast.”

They must have wanted him to remain in decent condition for whoever would buy him. Oriel clenched his eyes shut as the sailors moved toward him.

They didn’t rip him, but they weren’t gentle, and it seemed to last forever. After they all finished in him and went back up, no one spoke, and he felt even more disgusting than when the soldier had used him in his room. He couldn't make the vile sensation of their hands go away.

He remained curled up on his side for a long time as he stared at Aspen’s limp body. If only he could reach him. The ship’s pitching , and after he heard yells topside, he figured a storm was coming.

Some of the fairies held onto the rings as the motion grew worse. One threw up on the floor as a couple begged Elira for mercy. Maybe it’d be better if they all went down and died.

Aspen rolled a little since he wasn't chained, but it was only from the motion. Oriel hastened to reach for his flung-out arm, but his chain stopped him. He bit back a swear as he strained even though the collar cut off his air. His fingers brushed Aspen’s, and he tried to stretch a little more. He choked, but he managed to get a hold of his hand.

He gasped as he tugged Aspen toward him. He’d lost weight in the past week, but Oriel had too, and he was weak. He managed to get Aspen sitting up against him as he huddled on the wood and tried to brace himself.

The fairy didn’t move as Oriel brushed back his matted, black hair and checked his pulse. It was there, but it fluttered. Even with the healer, he might die. A week of only broth and water once a day, constant sweating, and being abused could take its toll.

Oriel took his water skin and supported Aspen’s head as he dripped some in. Aspen’s half-closed eyes were completely blank and unseeing. Wherever he was, he had no idea Oriel was holding him or what was happening.

“Don’t waste your water, Prince,” someone muttered.

“Shut up!” Oriel roared, and a few flinched. “I’m not letting him die.”

Everyone quieted down after that. Honestly, it would be a mercy to pinch Aspen’s nose shut, cover his mouth, and let him slip away entirely. He wouldn't even feel it. Elira could have him, and she’d fix everything that Oriel had fucked up. Aspen’s suffering would be finished.

Oriel’s hand twitched, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. How could he kill the only man he’d ever loved? How could he suffocate and erase every last bit of the only one who’d made him feel whole two years ago?

Aspen’s face blurred as Oriel sobbed. He was too weak to do it. He gathered the limp fairy closer and cried into his shoulder instead.

Chapter Five

Oriel held Aspen even after the storm was over. Elira hadn’t listened to their prayers to be saved, but she must have heard the ones to keep the boat from sinking. The hold stunk of piss and shit like usual, and vomit tinged the air too. His muscles protested since he’d held onto Aspen for hours and tried to keep the sway from pitching them about like ragdolls.

“I remember when you jumped on me in the ocean,“ Oriel whispered so the others wouldn’t hear. "You were scared at first for being so forward, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to be someone simple with you. I never should have mentioned you to Father. He thought I wanted you as a pleasure slave, but I just wanted us to be together. I still love you. I’m sorry I said those words two years ago. I never hated you. I meant it when I said I would have married you.”

If Aspen heard him, he gave no indication. Oriel could suffocate him at any time, but he still couldn’t bear to do it. He hoped Aspen thought he was on the beach, playing in the sand and surf, and thinking all was well. Maybe he’d slip off on his own if his body gave out.

Nobody came to check on them after the storm, so he kept Aspen to himself. Maybe the sailors forgot them, or they just didn’t give a fuck. Dead or alive, everyone would still be down here.

Oriel didn’t remember falling asleep, but his eyes snapped open as sunlight poured in, and someone snatched away Aspen. At first, he thought the fairy was dead, but the hold was full of men undoing the chains.

“Give him back!” Oriel screamed as someone carried Aspen toward the ladder.

A punch to the gut took away his air and words.

“Get up the ladder,” an unfamiliar sailor snapped as his chain was unlocked from the ring. “Any funny business and I’ll fucking choke you with your intestines.”

Oriel was shoved into the ladder, and he held onto the rungs as he struggled to stand. His legs shook, and he wasn't sure if he could do it, but the sailor drew his fist back.

“I’m going,” he muttered as his gut ached.

Every step was a struggle, and he thought he’d slip and fall as his muscles trembled. Somehow, he made it to the top, and as his head came above the edge, he saw Aspen had been flung on the floor like a doll.

“Get the fucking twig,” snapped another new face. The sailor’s cat ears were pulled back, and his fluffy grey tail swished. "Hurry the fuck up."

Oriel scrambled to gather Aspen in his arms, and the sailor shoved him in the back so hard, he nearly fell again. Beyond the blinding doorway, someone grabbed the chain hanging from his collar and yanked on it.

The other prisoners were shoved and pulled onto the deck. The sun was too bright, and Oriel could barely see as someone led him toward the railing.