Page 119 of A Touch of Savagery

“They’re so used to it, they could probably manage it blindfolded in the dead of night,” said Roth.

It was cooler up high with the wind blowing, and Aspen pressed himself against Roth who slung an arm around him.

“Hey, what happened to that gold unicorn that Oriel mentioned? Did a soldier catch it?”

“No, I think someone said it ran away. They couldn’t find it later.”

That was better. Such a pretty, rare animal should be running free and not used like a warhorse.

“Do you know the constellations?” Aspen asked as he glanced at the stars. One was supposed to be some mythical unicorn, but he could see pictures. Stars just looked like a bunch of dots to him. “I don’t.”

“No, I never paid much attention to that sort of thing,” said Roth. “Kalani would surely know. You should ask her or one of the ladies.”

“I’ll rather miss them later.” Aspen figured once this was over, and Oriel paid them for what they’d done, they’d go back to sailing on the open seas once more. Hopefully, they’d skip the piracy and not kidnap guys.

“Oriel’s not jealous, is he?”

Roth snorted. “No, Aspen. He’s not jealous. We’re all together, but all three of us don’t need to do every single thing together.”

With Roth’s slim body in his arms, and his familiar blackberry smell, Aspen felt safe even though he was so high. He started wondering what would happen when they truly returned to wherever home would be. Oriel hadn’t picked a place to live, but at some point, they’d be settled.

They’d been sleeping in the same cabin, and Aspen sometimes remained in the bed all night. A couple of times he’d sat with Kalen or Rhys, who had all kinds of human stories. He knew Oriel and Roth probably fucked each other’s brains out when they had a little time alone.

“What if I don’t want to have sex for a while?” he blurted.

“You don’t have to have sex with either of us,” said Roth. “It’s not a requirement to be in this relationship.”

“But I might want to do something later.”

“Then you can.”

“What the fuck are we supposed to do on our wedding night? Oriel wants to marry us both. I’m sure he’s not going to want to wait that long, but I might not be ready to do that. Sex is usually pretty important in marriage.”

Roth stroked the side of his head. “Our marriage is more about us being together, not who has sex when or how. Consummating doesn’t make the marriage void or anything like that, and neither of us would ever make you do anything you don’t want. I would rather like it if we could at least keep this since you let me touch you.”

Aspen did enjoy the touch, but he wondered about something else. “What if I just wanted to watch you two?”

“Hmm, I would like that.”

“You don’t do that kink of yours every time, right?”

“No, it would get old,” said Roth. “I like the…surprise of it.”

The idea had creeped Aspen out before, but it wasn’t the same since both parties wanted it. He imagined it would be more like watching rough sex with one dominating the other since Oriel wouldn’t truly harm Roth.

“And if I ever wanted to join someday?”

“I’d like that too, but don’t rush to make decisions now. Take it as we go depending on how you feel.”

“If you don’t do the rough stuff all of the time, does that mean that the kitty has a soft side?”

He felt the vibration of Roth’s chuckle in his chest. “Yes, I do.”

Aspen hadn’t kissed anyone in a long time, and he wondered what that would feel like with someone else besides Oriel. Roth wouldn’t take it as a message to keep going and escalate things. Aspen could try it and feel safe that nothingmorewould happen.

He shifted and tipped his head up a little. Roth met his lips, and while he put his other arm around Aspen, his hands didn’t wander down. His tongue teased Aspen’s lips, and he parted them slightly to allow him in.

It was different from kissing Oriel, but still nice. Aspen let himself relax in his arms, and he reached up to find a furry ear and scratch around the base. Roth made a fate noise of pleasure,