Page 116 of A Touch of Savagery

“We don’t let our men rape,” said Kalen.

“Like I care what you say. You’d rather fuck your human-turned-fairy.”

Kalen raised a hand at the soldier as he paused by Taven and a slight smile grew on his face. “I’d rather get in bed with him any day of the week. My husband is twice the man than plenty of fairies I’ve known.”

“You think you have that much control over your men, Your Majesty?” asked Taven.

“We specifically commanded against it,” Kalen said as he came toward the High Table with Rhys. “I’m sure some scumbag soldier has broken that, and I won’t know if nobody saw or says anything. But if Rhys and I found any soldier that did such an act, he’d be executed for rape. I know plenty turn a blind eye in war to such atrocities, but we don’t.”

“Enemy or not, no one deserves that sort of treatment even if some would say it’s simply a part of war.” Rhys paused before he sat. “Even some humans would agree with me.”

“You’re guilty of murdering your wife,” said Oriel. “I would have let her live and even given her some comforts since a sick woman who has done nothing is hardly worth killing. I wouldn’t have had her raped and hung in a sitting room. You didn’t give a fuck when your army got a hold of my Mother!” The last bit came out far louder and nastier than he intended. “I also wouldn’t have raped your pleasure slave if you had one and left him to be used by my other men as if he was just a hole, you foul, fucking piece of shit.”

He had to take a couple of seconds to breathe before he continued.

“You used to be a decent King, and that’s why my Father invited you. We thought you were honorable and worthy of doing business with. We had no idea you had allowed slavery. I guess that was right before you left, and you figured you could make a quick buck. Did you really just want the mines and the rest of West Bay’s resources?”

“Why do you think plenty of Kings go to war, Your Majesty?” asked Taven. ”I’ve read a little about human rulers. They do the same. You’re young, and I doubt you think ahead.”

“We’ll see about that now that these two Kingdoms are mine. I would have been content with what I had if you hadn’t done this. We could have had peace, and if you were so worried about your wife being harmed, you should have thought of that before you betrayed my family, but I guess you were full of confidence especially since you had Queen Asara on your side.”

Something flickered in Taven’s face.

“Yes, I know what she planned,” said Oriel. “She wanted a few mines and a nice cut of West Bay. Gold is such a temptation to some, and if Kalen’s army fell, East Forest would have been open. Luckily, I have someone loyal who loves Roth and me, and when he suspected something, he came to find us. Her army split too. If they’ve made it back or sent a dove ahead, I’m sure she’s shitting her skirts by now.”

“We did business.”

“Hmm. I wouldn’t use blood for that. Anyway, you also let Lord Delwin have me all for a stupid grudge. Did you know he abused his son?”

Taven’s eyes slid to Roth. “He’s a murderer. It was said the body of his Father was found stuffed under his bed, Your Majesty.”

“He attacked me,” said Roth. “He also deserved that for his treatment of Oriel.”

“If I could kill you once for each family member that I lost, and once for every person you’ve harmed, I would,” said Oriel. “Your greed brought you to this. Now, where’s the seal so I can take over the rest of Meadow and not cause more bloodshed?”

Taven snorted. “I think you know very well that I’m not telling you. Unlike you, I have no one you can use against me now. I have no pleasure slave or family at this point. If you put a dagger to dick, I won’t say a word. Go fight some more,King.I don’t care if you live or die or what happens to my Kingdom at this point. I’m as good as dead, and I owe you nothing. I did what I wanted, and you’ve done what you wanted. I lost. You won.”

Oriel pursed his lips. “True. Since the option of running away isn’t feasible, I guess you’re ready to put on a brave face, but I can make the rest of your life quite painful. Do you want to see how brave you are after a few hours in prison?”

“Ah, yes, you’re the little savage who tortured a lord with a hot poker.”

“He caused grievous harm to someone important to me.”

“M’lord!” A guard raced into the Hall and approached the High Table with a clumsy bow. “We have the city gates closed, but there's a whole group of people shouting and chanting by it. They want in, and one demanded to speak to King Oriel if he’s alive. If not you, then King Kalen or King Rhys.”

Oriel squinted at him. “Who?”

The guard shrugged. “I don’t know. He won’t say who he is. The rest of the people keep shouting to free the slaves. We haven’t attacked anyone, and some are armed, but they’re not trying to hurt us. None have used any magic.”

“We should go see before we do anything else,” said Roth.

“All right.”

As Oriel walked along the wall near the city gates with the others trailing after him, he guessed the group was about two thousand strong, and they kept yelling.

“Free the slaves! Free the slaves! Free the slaves!” A few spotted him, pointed, and the shouts grew louder. “FREE THE SLAVES! FREE THE SLAVES!”

If Oriel had never come today, he had a feeling these people would have marched in, planted themselves as close to the Castle as possible, and kept chanting. They probably would have gathered others along.