Page 115 of A Touch of Savagery

“I noticed a slight gap in the frame of that painting on the wall.” Roth crushed him in a hug. “Thank Elira, you made it.”

They dragged out Taven’s body, and Roth got someone to fetch a healer. Most of the soldiers were still working their way up, and things were nearly done here.

Oriel plucked the garrote up by his wooden handle. Even though it wasn’t affecting him now since he wasn’t touching it, a lot of fairies weren’t too thrilled to touch lirek or be around it. Oriel wound it around Taven’s throat as a makeshift collar and left it loose enough so it wouldn’t choke him. Someone fetched rope to bind his wrists and ankles before a healer took care of his stab wounds.

At Oriel’s command, she left the burns and his busted nose.

“I want him down in the Hall in front of everyone instead of hiding in a dark space like the rat that he is.”

Taven was dragged off. Oriel sat in an armchair for a moment while a few soldiers went to check out the passage. The painting that Roth had torn away had tiny holes in the eyes.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” asked Roth.

Oriel nodded. “I’ll live. I’m surprised he tried to choke me.”

“Better to draw you into that spot instead of coming out to fight two.”

The narrow spot had been an advantage for Taven who must have assumed Oriel. He hadn’t had armor on either which was a bit odd. A couple of soldiers returned from the passage and said the rest had gone on. So far, they had found a pack and discarded armor.

“I’m not sure why he would take it off,” said the soldier.

Oriel tried to picture what he knew of the layout of this city so far. Taven must have been willing to stay and fight for a bit, but once he knew his end was quite close, he’d gone to hide and watch. The painting had provided a peephole, and by luck, Oriel came in here.

If Taven’s remaining soldiers hadn’t performed a miracle and pushed the opposition out, he would have escaped through the passageway.

“It probably runs down to the water somewhere,” said Oriel. “Maybe he’s got a little boat, and he took off his armor. If he had an accident in the water, the armor would be too heavy to swim in.”

Sure enough, the other soldiers returned and said the passageway led out into a small area near the edge of Juniper. A little boat had been waiting, and since it wasn’t anywhere near the ships, a single man could have easily escaped.

Oriel let out a bitter laugh. “That fucker would have gotten away if he hadn’t tried to kill me at the last moment.”

Bodies were being hauled out of the Castle, someone said they’d found the wife dead in her rooms. She’d swallowed something judging by the vial next to her. With her poor health, she must have been terrified of being imprisoned or mistreated. Oriel would have let her live in far better conditions compared to what he’d been forced to deal with, but it wasn’t like he could tell her that now.

Oriel couldn’t go down to the Hall right away. They had prisoners to deal with, bodies to clear, and plenty of things to do now that they’d taken Juniper. Someone was already searching for the seal, and Oriel would use that if he could to take over the rest of Meadow with less bloodshed.

Orders had to be given so the Commanders could disperse men to deal with certain things. They’d be staying overnight at the very least. Prisoners were being taken from the Castle, and the servants were herded into one room to be watched over. The injured were dealt with, boats needed repair, and the enemy ships would be taken. Some also had to take a small ship out to let Aspen and the women know they had won. It was a good two hours before Oriel finally went into the Hall with several Commanders and Roth.

He’d taken off his armor for the time being, although he hadn’t had a chance to bathe or clean up beyond washing his hands. Blood had seeped in and made patches although his clothes were dark. Roth followed him, and as sat at the High Table, Oriel glanced at him. Even with his red hair all messed up from his helmet, he was still gorgeous. Best of all, he was unhurt.

Oriel was starting to feel a little stiffness from fighting, tension, and being shocked a few times even with armor. He gazed down at Taven who had been forced to kneel in front of the High Table for ages. With wrists and ankles tied, he wasn’t going anywhere, and the lirek garrot wound around his neck prevented any magic from him.

“It’s a good thing you need something to channel your magic,” said Oriel. “You might have gotten me good, although the rest of the army would have torn you to shreds unless you managed to escape in your little rowboat. You couldn’t stay with your men and fight like one? I see your wife killed herself.”

Taven said nothing.

“I learned something interesting,” said Oriel. “We’ve got your servants and employees gathered up. You see, I don’t plan on enslaving any of them, and if any of your children were alive today, I wouldn’t sell them as slaves or allow them to be raped. Clearly, we don’t see eye to eye on how the conquered should be treated. But your physician told me something interesting. Usually, he administered all of Tenea’s medicine, and she’s been ill for a while, but she wasn’t about to croak.”

A muscle twitched in Taven’s cheek.

“The physician said you took the medicine to give her today. He couldn’t tell you no, and he thought you simply wanted a little extra time with her.” Oriel raised an eyebrow.

“Well?” asked Roth.

“Did you kill your wife?” Oriel asked as Kalen and Rhys entered.

“It was better than letting the army get a hold of her.” Taven noticed one of the soldiers behind him raising a fist. “Your Majesty.”

“You better address him properly,” the soldier grumbled.