Page 101 of A Touch of Savagery


The women didn’t even get a chance to go tempt the other side for money and info. Kalani had said that those loyal to their Queen had sent a few lifeboats across the gap and tried to tempt their past comrades to come back. They spouted threats of death, treason, and lack of honor, but were rebuffed. It was barely dawn when those with Queen Asara started to head north.

Oriel was coming, and he’d surely attack since he’d have control over a much larger army. They’d rather face Asara’s wrath instead of dying out there on the ocean and sinking to the bottom.

With that, Kalani and her women approached the remaining side. The men confirmed what happened and said they had followed one of their Captains who had started the split. The Queen had commanded the army to wait until Meadow to turn on Oriel, Roth, Kalen, and Rhys. With King Taven’s men on the other side, they’d be fucked, but one Captain had refused first.

According to him, Elira hadn’t put him in this realm to wage war with such brutal trickery. Others had followed him.

Aspen didn’t dare go speak to anyone on the remaining ships. He was happy to stay on Elira’s Doves where he didn’t have to worry about men bothering him. Kalani allowed no one aboard and said her ship was a sanctuary for her women to rest and refresh.

They made heaps of money, and Kalani set aside a cut for Aspen even though he said he didn’t need it, and he certainly was selling his arse. She insisted, because without him, she wouldn’t have come this far south in the first place.

It was midafternoon when Aspen, dozing by the railing, heard bells ringing, horns blowing, and faint cheers from those who refused to serve Asara. In the distance, he knew the river entered the sea, and they barely could see land from this point.

Other ships were coming.

As he stood, Kalani came up next to him with her spyglass. “Look through it. Hold it like that. That’s Kalen’s new crest with the purple heart although you can’t see it properly.”

Aspen closed one eye as he peered at the incoming ships. Sure enough, black, purple, and grey flags fluttered, although he couldn’t make out the heart insignia even with the spyglass.

“Let’s go see your Prince.”

Oriel’s side probably had a few spyglasses, and they likely thought the floating whorehouse was eager to make more money with new customers. The women who weren’t busy with the sails and steering came out with a large piece of rolled cloth.

“Just imagine King Oriel’s face when he sees this!”

They let it unroll, and Aspen blinked at it. “Oh, come on.”

“We’re putting it up whether you like it or not.”

The women tied it to the top of the railing and let it hang. Oriel and Kalen’s ship was at the front of the group coming closer. Elira’s Doves kept moving toward them even when they anchored, and no one seemed alarmed at their approach. When they finally came alongside, a few sailors shouted something to the ladies, clearly knowing what they were about.

“Keep moving,” shouted one man. “We haven’t got time for that.”

“I do,” bellowed one.

Aspen’s heart quickened as he saw Oriel come to the railing. The shouting must have alerted him, and his mouth dropped for a second.

“Aspen!” he yelled before his eyes flicked to the banner. "Aspen’s Doves?"

Ropes with hooks were flung out to bring the two ships together, and the gangplank had barely been laid across before Oriel was halfway across it. Once again, Aspen regretted how horrible he’d been because even though Oriel had been with Roth the whole time he was gone, he’d still clearly missed him.

“What are you doing here?” Oriel nearly crushed him in a hug, and Aspen didn't try to push him away.

Oriel was still alright. Nothing had happened to him so far. Aspen lost this voice for a moment as he focused purely on the touch that he’d almost lost more than once. Oriel smelled like magnolias as usual although it was tinged with salt.

Without warning, Oriel kissed. Aspen stiffened for a second because it had been so long since anybody had kissed him, but his eyes pricked with tears. Oriel still tasted the same as he had two years ago when they were innocent teenagers sneaking out of Lork to play on the beach.

Oriel didn't push it too much and broke it off first. “I thought you’d stay in the Windswept Isles. Why did you come all of this way?”

“I have something to tell you…”

“What?” Oriel drew back to look at him.

“In a minute. Where’s Roth?”

“He was below deck with Rhys. I’ll get him.”