Page 63 of A Touch of Savagery

He glanced at Roth and wondered what he expected exactly because Oriel's feelings had certainly changed. Even though they hadn’t screwed in the past two weeks considering they’d been tired, focused on getting away, and Aspen had been nearby, he’d already been feeling a lot closer to the fairy.

He had also enjoyed fucking Roth that night for the pleasure part. Adding a knife to sex had been interesting.

“Are you sure I’m not fucked up in the head for liking what we did?” he blurted.

Roth quirked an ear. “We’ve been over this. It’s not wrong.”

“So we could do it again?”

“Yes. If you want. I’d love it if you took me with no warning one night.” Roth leaned back against the wall, and the tip of his fangs showed as he smiled. “Just attack me, hold me down, fuck me, and cut me, but do oil my ass. I don’t need tears later even though I could heal them.”

“I wouldn’t go that far!”

“I know, but I’m just saying to be careful.”

“Do you have a safety word?”

“Stop.” Roth waved his hand. “If I say that, it means to stop. Or if I snap my fingers. Nothing else means to quit no matter how much I plead or beg.”

Oriel’s cock at the thought of pinning Roth over the table or on the bed and forcing him totake itwhile knowing that the cat fairy was loving every second of it.

“All right. I will.”

After two weeks, Oriel needed relief, but force fucking him right now might be too soon since they’d just discussed it. It would take away the suddenness and the thrill of it, and if he was going to do that for Roth, he wanted him to enjoy it wholly. And if he was willing to fuck, it didn’t always have to be forced either.

He glanced at the fairy’s lithe body. Shit. He wanted Roth. Really, really wanted him in a way he’d only wanted Aspen before. The slow dawning had been there for a few days already.

He figured it was like with Aspen. He had to feel closer, and the sexual attraction came after.

“Um…so what about tonight?”

Roth’s pupils grew bigger. “What do you want?”

“Do you like to have control sometimes? I can hand it over.”

“I like either, but I don’t want to...” Roth’s eyes flicked down. “It takes a level of trust for one man to let another in his ass.”

“I do trust you. We’ve gotten this far, haven’t we? I've told you a lot of stuff too, and I’ve been up your ass.”

“True, but that might not mean you’re ready.”

Oriel honestly wasn’t sure if he wanted to be penetrated, but he wanted some form of release. He needed to feel something else and have those few seconds when he came and all thought was wiped away.

“Get over here and suck my cock.” They hadn't done that yet.

Roth bent a leg up, clearly not in a hurry to obey. “Is that an order?”

“What do you think it is, kitty? Come here, little kitty.”

That got Roth off the bed. He flattened his ears as he approached to stand over Oriel. “I’m not a kitty.”

Oriel leaned back in the chair and spread his legs as he started undoing his belt. “You’re supposed to be on your knees, kitty.”

But instead of getting on his knees, Roth leaned forward to pin his shoulders to the back of the chair, and he paused as if checking to see if Oriel was all right with this. “Maybe I’ll get on my knees after you swallow me.”

“I think I should go first.”

Roth used one hand to loosen the ties on his sleep pants and pull them down so his erection was practically right in Oriel’s face. “Start sucking. Kitty’s ordering it.”