Page 57 of A Touch of Savagery

Oriel’s head pounded as he stood. Even if he hadn’t gotten smashed the night before, too much stress and shitty sleep hadn’t done much good, and Aspen’s yelling wasn’t helping. “You are. We’re escaping this damn Kingdom and going to Queen Asara. She’ll help us.”

“I’ll tell her you’re a traitor’s son.”

Oriel flinched as he backed against the wall, and Roth hovered in the doorway with his ears back. "You know damn well I’m not-”

“You betrayed me! You let me get burned so you could hold onto your stupid fucking Kingdom, and you didn’t give a shit while they tortured me. You only gave up the seal when they threatened your cock.”

Oriel’s mouth opened slightly. He thought Aspen had hated and ignored him in the hold because of everything that happened two years ago which led to Aspen being there that night. That was certainly Oriel’s fault, but where in the world did this other shit come from?

“What are you talking about? They didn’t threaten my cock.”


“I’ll be in the hall,” mumbled Roth. “Unless he tries to kill you.”

“I tried to save you,” Oriel said as the door clicked shut.

“You’re a fucking liar.”

Oriel stepped forward, and Aspen flinched against the headboard. “I acted like you weren't important in the hallway because I was hoping they’d leave you alone. Letting them know anything I felt was a bad idea, but that lord guessed anyway. He already planned to torture you, and when I heard you screaming, I begged him to stop."

“You held onto the seal. You knew your family was dead!”

“How could I have known they were dead?!” yelled Oriel. “I was in my room! I was attacked by several men and brought to the office after one-That lord said my family was alive. I tried to hold out at first and said Queen Asara would pay for us if they didn’t hurt us. I also begged him to not hurt any employees, including you, because they had nothing to do with this. The lord said King Taven didn’t want money, and I thought they’d kill you and my family once they had the seal. I didn’t know what to do! They didn’t threaten my cock, but I told him because they wouldn’t stop hurting you, and he threatened to do worse. He kept on torturing you anyway when I said where it was. Only after he had it did he admit my family was dead.”

“That’s not what he said. You kept refusing because your precious Kingdom mattered more than even the servants, and he punished me because of that!” Aspen came forward on his knees. "You kept quiet until they put a dagger to your prick."

“He lied to you just like he lied to me! Nobody threatened my dick. He only told me the truth after he had what he wanted. He wanted you to believe I completely betrayed you because he knew it would hurt. I did lie and say I didn’t know where the seal was at first because if my family was alive, I hoped that there would be some way for us to get out of that alive if the civilians and city guards rose up or something. I swear to Elira, that’s what happened. I did not know my family was dead!"

“You’re fucking lying. You hate me.”

“I don’t hate you!”

“Yes, you do because I signed the contract, and you didn't speak to me for two years.”

Oriel scrambled onto the bed, and Aspen tried to throw a punch, but he wrapped his arms around him, pinning Aspen’s arms to his side.

“Get the fuck off!”

“Would you fucking listen to me?! I never hated you. I wanted to marry you. I was angry, and I'm sorry, but I’m never losing you again.”

Aspen had frozen, but he suddenly twisted with a panicked noise like he couldn’t breathe. Oriel released him, terrified he had been squeezing too hard without realizing it. Aspen slugged him in the face a second later.

Oriel swore as he clutched at his bleeding nose. Aspen scrambled to get away and fell off the bed. “I still hate you. You ignored me for two years. You don’t do that to people you supposedly love. Get out."

“I’m not leaving without you. I can't take the chance that someone will-”

Aspen unsteadily stood as he shook his right hand which must have hurt after punching Oriel. “I don’t need you. You’re not shit anymore, and I’m a lord now.”

“You were passed out drunk.”

“To numb all the shit that’s your fault!”

“I didn’t try to hold onto the Kingdom for that alone! I just said-”

“Maybe the lord did lie,” hissed Aspen. “I was rather preoccupied at the moment to figure out if he had any other motives. But it is still your fault I was at the Castle.”

Oriel held a hand to his nose. “I know, but you can’t stay here.”