Oriel wasn't a total stranger to pain. He’d been punched, bruised, kicked, and even accidentally knocked out once in training. He’d fallen off of horses and suffered scrapes and bloody noses.

Even if he was more on the slim side, he was tough, strong, and not easy to beat in a fair fight. Still, nothing could have prepared him for such agony. The man groaned as he rutted away and pushed Oriel’s face into the rug.

It felt like an eternity before the enemy finished in his ass. Oriel nearly threw up again with fear as he realized the other two would probably want a turn, but the door opened and someone snapped to bring the Crown Prince.

One grabbed Oriel’s hair and sent lightning through him. He finally screamed as every muscle in his body tensed and spasmed.

“If you fight, you’ll get worse,” the guard snarled.

The pain was so horrendous, Oriel was sure he'd been torn, but they didn't care. They were marching him down the hall when two men came from the stairs while hauling Aspen who couldn't seem to walk or stop shaking. Pure terror filled Oriel as he saw the blood running down Aspen's thighs. He must have been raped in the Hall, and since one of the other Princes had tied his hands earlier, not suspecting this would happen, he’d been left helpless.

A lord with orange eyes followed, and he came around the two men who paused. “Oriel, this is your family’s pleasure slave, right? Don’t bother denying it.”

Had he seen anything in Oriel’s face? If they suspected he had any feelings, they’d probably torture Aspen as leverage. Pleasure slaves were often treasured by whoever owned them.

Oriel didn't dare look at Aspen who kept his head ducked either in shame or fear. “He’s just a whore.”

“But he’s the family whore, right?”

“Yes, but only Father and my brothers used him.”

“I never much liked the idea of sharing a slave with the family. It’s a bit disgusting.” The lord nodded at the men holding Oriel. “Take him to the office.”

Oriel was forced to his knees in the office before Father’s desk. He could barely believe he’d been in here this morning while Father made a quick note in the ledger. They’d spoken of going with King Taven in a big group to show him the area outside of Lork tomorrow.

As always, they’d assumed there would be a tomorrow, and it would mostly be like any other day.

Everything on the desk was now messed up, and items on the shelves were askew. Someone had already been searching for something.

There had to be a way out of this somehow. Maybe they would let Aspen go since he was just a pleasure slave and basically an employee. He wanted to scream because the bastards had hurt Aspen, and if they’d raped Oriel, his brothers were probably fair game too.

At that thought, he tested the ropes on his chafed wrists, but one of the soldiers came around and drew back his fist. “Don’t move.”

Oriel forced himself to stare at the front of Father’s desk while his heart thudded. Revulsion twisted his guts as he felt cum drip down his thigh. He didn't look, but there was probably blood too.

The lord strolled in. “Where’s your Father’s seal? Someone said they couldn’t find it.”

“I-I don’t know,” Oriel said automatically.

The lord sighed and leaned on the edge of the desk as he faced Oriel. “This will be a lot easier if you cut the lies and tell me. I don't like liars."

“I don’t know where it is. He never told me or my brothers.” It was a half-truth.

If the enemy had the seal, they could easily take over the rest of West Bay with less bloodshed. They could say the King had surrendered to spare his people. The people wouldn’t be happy with it, but they’d likely accept their new ruler with little or no fight out of respect for the old King and to save themselves. In turn, King Taven would save many of his own men and soldiers.

The people would learn of the falsehood later, but at that point, it would be too late with a new ruler already firmly in place.

The lord quietly regarded him for a minute as if he could see through Oriel’s skull and find the info in his brain. “Your family is alive, but I could lessen the number by one. If you still refuse to talk…well, you have more than one brother. And there's your Mother and Father.”

Oriel opened his mouth and thought of his people too. Without a signed and sealed notice, nobody would believe it if King Taven’s men simply entered a city and said the King had surrendered. Lords in the Kingdom would rally their men and fight. His people would die. Father had said to never tell where it was.

But his family could die right now.

“I’m sorry that you’re the oldest even if it’s only by a few minutes,” said the lord. “Such a decision must be hard, yes? Your family, or the lives of many West Bay fairies trying to fight back in the hopes that their King is alive and rallying forces somewhere. They won’t know what happened here right away. They’ll think King Taven has simply sent men in, they'll fight, and many will die. The seal will not only save many of King Taven's men, but yours. I'm sure your Father said to keep it a secret, but I'm sure he'd rather live too."

Oriel tried not to shake. If the people in Lork could fight back right now, this might not be hopeless. There were guards too. What if there was some way to get out of this tonight?

“I don’t know where the seal is,” said Oriel. If he could hold out until the threat came too close…Once they had the seal, they might kill his family anyway. Imprisonment was an option too since they could be ransomed, but death was a lot quicker. If he asked, the lord would lie and say whatever he thought would make Oriel talk.