They led me deeper into the club, and we passed by sights that titillated and confused me, all the way up to where he shoved a set of double doors open. They slid apart to reveal a room that was the club made small.
My wolf didn’t like this place at all, and her pacing, her incessant whining grew louder as I walked in. But I ignored her and jumped onto the small stage in the middle of the room, grabbing the brass pole and spinning around more like a child would than a dancer. I laughed when I stopped, when the whole world kept spinning. And then the look on their faces had me smiling wider.
I would never get used to the way alphas looked at me. Like I was their whole fucking world and they wanted nothing more than me. I always tried to be a tough girl, a hard girl, but part of me craved this kind of attention. I stepped closer to the edge of the stage, staring down at the four of them. Jack looked up at me, two full shot glasses in his hand.
“The Viper Club,” he said, “it’s a special place. Here you can feel pleasure beyond measure. And it doesn’t have to stop.” He held one of the shot glasses out to me and I took it. Of course I bloody did, because while a part of me recognised what he was talking about wasn’t possible, I wanted to believe. “We’ll drown you in pleasure, omega. Keep you coming over and over…”
The shot looked a little different. The clear liquid of the Patron seemed slightly yellowish in this glass. But I didn’t pay much attention to it, not with the alcohol and weed buzzing nicely in my blood. I put the glass to my lips and tossed it back, and the four of them all smiled. And when that shot hit? It was very different.
There was no burn of alcohol quickly dissipating through my body. That’s what made me realise what they’d done, though I didn’t put two and two together for a bit. Instead, it felt like every cell, every nerve ending woke up all at the same time, as a terrible flush washed over me, sweat prickling all over me, making me tug at my clothes for relief. Jack nodded slowly, stepping closer, but not close enough.
I understood then what motivated those dancers outside, as I slapped my hand down on the pole to balance me, as I reached down towards him, a terrible hunger rising. Slick drenched my jeans, my nipples pulled painfully tight, and it felt like my bra was abrading them with every breath. And my mouth, it filled with saliva, my tongue feeling swollen as he stepped up and into me, pressing my back against the brass pole.
“Feeling it?” he asked, nodding to himself, not needing an answer. “I told you this would be explosive.” His lips nudged mine, just a teasing little caress, but I grabbed him, my grip like iron as I dragged him down to me. I felt nothing—was nothing—except this terrible hunger.
One that was met by him as his mouth smashed down. There was no finesse in his kiss or mine, but I didn’t need that, I just wanted the animal thrust of tongues, the snap of teeth. His hands shoved my pretty little top up and then jerked it off, breaking the clasp at the neck as he did, but that thrilled me rather than appalled me. My bra was pushed up and my aching tits filled his hands, his fingers cunning and cruel as he pulled at the nipples until I was moaning helplessly, unable to just take it. So he gave me something to do. One of the others slapped another shot into his hand, and he tipped it past my lips, dropping the glass to the floor as he pushed me down onto my knees with one hand, his other going to his fly to fish out his hard cock.
This wasn’t something I did often with alphas. Not head, but this position. It required a certain amount of trust, of regard, for me to kneel at someone’s feet, yet here I was, my mouth open and straining forward as he gripped my hair, then fed his length past my lips.
“Fuck, yes…” he hissed at the first swipe of my tongue, as my cheeks hollowed as I sucked him down. “This shit is a good batch. I thought we’d have to break her a bit first, but she’s being a good little girl.” He looked down at me, my vision of him blurred. “You like that, don’t you? Gonna take our cocks in every hole and you’ll love every bit of it.”
I wasn’tdue to go into heat for another month, but that’s what this experience was closest too, though even when deep in a heat, I remained conscious. This was harder, harsher, my head spinning as I went from one orgasm to the next, each one seeming to build upon the other until I couldn’t separate one from another. I screamed and screamed, from pleasure and from pain, until I couldn’t really tell which was which, the two things becoming one. And through it all, they loomed. One Spencer then another tore through me like a train, another ready to slot into me the moment I had a hand, mouth or hole free.
And then oblivion took me, until she came.
My head jerkedup as one of the doors slid open, but I instantly regretted it. Pain exploded behind my eyes, forcing me to screw them tight to escape the daylight filtering through the open door. I heard her come closer, so I opened my eyes just a crack, long enough to see an angel.
She had bright red hair and eyes so soft and full of pity I wanted to cry. My eye sockets ached, and once I noticed that, I realised my whole body did too.
“Fuck…” she hissed, taking in my current state. Then she unfolded a blanket that she had with her and wrapped it around me, although the soft pile of it felt all too harsh against my abraded skin.
I hurt everywhere.
From the deep muscular ache that came from going on a get fit regime after New Year’s, to the pain of joints pushed past their limits, all of the pleasure of the last night seemed to have come at a cost. One I didn’t want to pay.
“We’ve got to get you out of here,” she said as I cried out. “Shh shh… I’m Scarlett and I’m the cavalry right now. I’ve tranq-ed those guys for the moment, but alphas taking Rush are hard to predict.”
“Rush…?” I croaked out, then started coughing, my throat bone dry and sore, so fucking sore.
“I’ll explain later. Right now, I’m getting you out of here.”
Fuck, I was in a world of pain. An all-night fuck session with an alpha pack would have me reaching for the ibuprofen and a hot water bottle at the best of times, but this? I felt… battered, bruised. The woman, this Scarlett, had to help me limp through the club, all evidence of the night before vacuumed and tidied away. As she half held me up, I noticed her outfit. She wore the uniform of a cleaning company, though her expertly applied makeup and beautifully bound hair seemed to indicate her to be something else.
I found out why.
I hissed when she took me through a side door, the sunlight filtering down into the alleyway seeming too harsh so that I had to squint again. I stumbled forward blindly, letting her direct me where to go even as gravel bit into the soles of my feet.
And then I felt different hands upon me.
I pulled away without thinking, blinking wildly to try to see who my attacker was, reaching for my wolf, for anything to defend myself. But I could barely feel her presence, little more than a ghost of a whimper inside my mind.
I opened my eyes properly to find the three of them standing over me and that’s when I finally registered the state I was in.
I was naked under the blanket, and when I realised that, I tugged it closer around me. My skin was mottled with small bruises, marked with bodily fluids and bite marks. Bile rose up in my throat, burning the already tender layer of swollen tissue. I felt… used. The ghost of the pleasure I’d felt haunted me now, taunting me with tiny snippets of memories of what I’d done. I’d gone into this willingly, happy to lose myself in whatever pleasures the Spencer pack could offer, but instead I’d ended up like this.