Page 7 of Dragon Fight


My mouth fell open as I gasped in realisation of how this would go. In response to his kiss, my fingers played over his testicles and I revelled in the sounds of his moans. Then I licked my way up his shaft.

“Gods above, of course you’re a bloody natural. Suck my cock, love. Get me as fucking hard as you can and, while you do, I’ll bring you to the brink of coming, right before I plunder this body of yours as thoroughly as I know how.”

Ged had said that if a man didn’t know how to stimulate my pearl, then he wasn’t the right one for me. Flynn proceeded to show just how right for me he was. His long fingers separated me then his tongue snaked forward right as I sucked the tip of his weeping cock. I moaned around him and his hips jerked forward in response.

“Don’t do that, love,” he told me in a hoarse voice. “The vibrations go all the way through me, and I’m only just holding off coming down your throat as it is.”

“What, like this?” I asked, swallowing him as far as I dared, then letting out a longhmm. His strangled groan was music to my ears. And then he launched an answering salvo.

“Looks like this will be hard and fast then. Just the way I like it.”

He bent his head to his task, licking and sucking until I was groaning, entirely involuntarily. His hands were like iron as they held me absolutely still so that he could gorge himself. My head moved in time with his strokes, drawing him deeper and deeper into my mouth, any sensation of choking not even registering. It felt like the more pleasure he gave me, the more I wanted him to experience. The two of us were locked in a self-perpetuating loop until finally Flynn pulled free and turned back to face me.

“Tell me you’re ready, Pippin,” he begged, in a hoarse voice, eyes wild. “Tell me you need me.”

I answered him by pulling his body down on mine as he moved between my legs, so that the two of us were lying with our pelvises locked together.

“This is the first time, really,” he told me, staring into my eyes. “What happened before was a beautiful fever dream. But this?” I felt the head of his cock brush against me, my hips following the movement without conscious thought. “This is what happens when you wake up.”

I was slick with his saliva and my own lubrication when he reached down and notched himself against my opening, both of us letting out a little groan as he sank right in. The flicker of his tongue had been beautiful, inspiring an airy kind of ecstasy, but this was something much more grounded. When his hips jerked forward, when he buried himself inside me, when he watched my every response to make sure I was pleased by this, I felt held and cherished while also being as debauched as a doxy on market day.

And perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing.

My eyes fell closed as his strokes grew deeper, as he delved all the way into me, stabbing harder and harder, pleasure exploding each time he reached my limits. I gave and gave and he took and took, our hips crashing together, our bodies creating some kind of brutal symphony that the two of us got lost in. I forgot about time, space, the estate, the maids, even my marriage to Brom in that moment, being too full of Flynn to think of anything else, my ears filled with his raspily delivered odes to my perfection, my fingers clasping his body to mine. And neither of us noticed when the door swung open.

Draven was the one who had taught me how to walk silently like a thief. I realised just how good he was at that trick when my eyes flicked open, and I realised he’d entered the room and shut the door behind him without even a click. His cold blue eyes took in everything before him: me, Flynn, and all the points we were joined, but it was hard to tell what caught his attention most. My body wedged beneath Flynn’s, my nipple pulled tight, revealed each time he thrust deeper, the subtle curves of my body or the hard planes of Flynn’s. The crown prince of Nevermere looked at the two of us with a strange kind of possessiveness, as if we were much more than just his subjects.

I should’ve brought things to a sudden stop, perhaps quailed beneath Flynn’s body at the look in Draven’s eyes and then yanked a sheet over myself, but I didn’t. My pleasure didn’t dissipate as he watched us; it increased. And I couldn’t understand why. The uncompromising attention of others had always made me come out in hives. But now, like this…? I knew what Glimmer would say—that I was queen—but what the hell did that mean? I didn’t have the focus to spare to ponder it. I closed my eyes as something huge stirred within me, dragging pleasure all the way through my body, coming in waves in response to Flynn’s thrusts, just as he gasped.

“Are you close? Tell me you’re close.”

And…I was. I felt like I had been filled and filled with pleasure and that Flynn was just pumping more and more in, until I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I wrapped my legs tight about his waist, stilling him right as I ground my teeth to hold back my scream.

This was what I’d missed last night, the feeling of the two of us coming apart at the seams together. It wasn’t just the experience of pleasure, though there was plenty of that, but the fact that we were sharing it between us.

“Pippin… Gods, Pippin, you’re…” Flynn kissed me in a messy flurry, totally absorbed in me, in us. Then Draven sat down on the bed. “Fuck!”

He stared, unblinking, as he took in the prince, and then his eyes widened and he threw himself over the top of me, as though trying to protect my modesty. Draven’s lip curled in response, making clear that the action was a pointless exercise.

“What the fucking hell are you doing in here?” Flynn hissed.

“Looking for evidence of what I had suspected. Brom married the girl, but you’re all utterly smitten with her. Does Brom know?”

“Of course he bloody does! Do you think I’d dishonour him like that? Pippin wasn’t mine or Brom’s or Ged’s or Soren’s alone. She belongs to the whole wing.”

“Hmmm. As you are all part ofmywing, does that make Pippin mine, too?” Draven asked.

“You can’t stand Pippin, so no,” Flynn snapped. “You won’t be getting anywhere near her if I have anything to say about it.”

“You don’t.” Draven’s eyes slid over the two of us one last time before he got to his feet. “Clean up, get dressed and try not to walk out of this room looking freshly fucked. This little honeymoon is being cut short. We’ll need to head to Brom’s family estate. My mother isn’t at all fooled by this ruse, and your father will be making a beeline here for Pippin’s lands. He’ll want to continue his queen-making in a discreet location, so we need to proceed carefully, making sure that everyone else who’s of importance is convinced that Pippin and her dragon fully support Harlston and her legally wedded husband.”

He headed to the door.

“I’ll see you both downstairs.”

“Fuck…” Flynn said, again, collapsing down on top of me.