Even as one of the other men who held my heart made me do just that.
“This is a good thing,” Draven said, and I let out a low hiss. I’d wanted him so damn much and now his presence felt insistent, pushing in where it wasn’t needed, or at least in a way that didn’t fit. “We will change the world together, but now…?”
He’d claimed me so Draven’s eyes met Brom’s now, just as intent.
“Can we be happy now, Brom?” Gods, I hadn’t expected to hear the prince’s voice break like that, and my own heart squeezed in sympathy. “Can we–?”
Anything he might have to say was cut off as Brom moved forward, cradling my body into his side with one arm, wrapping the other around Draven in the other. He welded the two of us together and his mouth came slamming down on the prince’s, giving him the only happiness available to us.
Ged moved in then, drawing me away from Brom to hold me close, my back resting against his chest.
“How are you feeling about this?” he asked. I looked up at him, daring him to see how ridiculous that question was. I couldn’t tell Draven any more than they could. But he tilted my head back so I had to watch as the prince began to strip my husband bare. “How do you feel about that?”
That seemed quite minor in the scheme of things. If they were worried about jealousy, I couldn’t muster any. Not even a twinge. If a stranger watched the two of them together, they would find their union beautiful, each one a dark star, burning so brightly, but together. It was then I felt a lightness inside my heart, that seemed to fill me up.
“They’re beautiful,” I told them. “They’re in love.”
“With you as well.” Soren stepped forward, seemingly intent on making clear how important I was but I just smiled.
“We all love each other on some level or another, don’t we?” I was trying to be honest, but instead I came out with an almost plaintive question, like I was a small child begging for reassurance, not a bloody queen.
“Not Ged,” Flynn drawled, but the smile he shot me was sheepish. “He snores, and his farts after he’s eaten beans are so vile, they peel the paint off the walls.”
“Soft cock,” Ged shot back.
“Not at the moment.” I watched Flynn’s hand drop down and grind into his pants, his smile widening when he saw me watching, but that quickly faded. “But this is what you want? All of us together? Even after everything Draven has done?”
“We’ll all hurt each other.” The pain of Draven’s assumption about my marriage, my fear of the future, these things threatened to loom large again, but I forced them away for now. “If we are serious about this, about being together, we will, over and over. There has to be a way back from that, though, doesn’t there? A way to make amends and beg for forgiveness?”
Flynn snorted, his smile sly as he looked back at the massive bed. Brom was tearing the clothes off Draven’s body with a violence I think I understood, though I wondered if the prince did.
“Draven begging? Yes, I think I’d like to see that. I think I’d like to see that a lot.”
We slid onto the bed, no longer two different groups. Now we were moving towards becoming a whole. My men had removed my clothes and theirs so that, when Draven looked back to watch our approach, he smiled.
“Gods, come here, woman,” he growled. “The others have had all of their kisses and most of mine and I need to catch up.” I glanced at Flynn, Soren and Ged and they nodded, lying back to watch me move. I crawled forward on my hands and knees and Draven watched my every movement, his brows creasing slightly as Brom kissed his way down his prince’s body.
“What’s he doing to you?” I asked, my voice not sounding like my own. There was something arch, confident in it. Queenly, even.
“Kiss me first,” Draven rasped, reaching up to tug my head down, but I resisted. He stared at me for a second and then closed his eyes, his body shifting restlessly on the bed. “He’s taking his sweet time getting to my cock.”
“You always want to rush things,” Brom said.
“And I’ve needed to feel your mouth on my cock every day since my brother’s death.”
That admission, naked and raw, seemed to still Brom and I, and our eyes met for just a moment.
“And you’ve needed the same?” I asked Brom.
“Pippin–” I could see that Brom was going to try and reassure me, make declarations, but they were the wrong ones.
“This is new. I’m not like Ada–”
“Thank the gods,” the two of them muttered.
“I need to learn… whatever it is you have. You love me.” They answered passionately, intently, but I forged on. “And you love each other. Show me that love.”