Page 118 of Dragon Fight

I had things to say, so many, about what exactly he meant, about the ring on my finger and the meaning of that, of what it would mean for my marriage to Brom. But as I went to give voice to them, a gasped intake of breath alerted me to the fact Glimmer was awake. I scooped her up into my arms, holding her so tight she let out a strangled sound and that’s when our minds touched.

You’re alright? Did they heal you? How did they get the medicine to you in time? Glimmer—

Pippin.My mind stilled at that.Darkspire brought me to the castle, forced the human to treat me. I vomited many, many times and the human was so worried about the consequences he urinated when Draven shouted at him, but finally I was able to keep the medicine down.Her muzzle wrinkled.It was vile. When they were sure I would survive, I was put to bed beside you and left to sleep.

But why…? How did…?I let out a frustrated sigh.So you are fine?

Of course.She nestled in against my chest, letting out a long sigh.I knew I would be when I was with you.

But you’re a seer.Tell me you didn’t know you were going to eat poison.

I had a horrible thought, and I hoped like hell my suspicion wasn’t true.

I told you, I don’t see the day’s events before they happen, then get to steer them in the right direction. I get… glimpses. But in every one, no matter what we faced, if I was with you, we survived.She rested her head on my arm.Sometimes it was you in danger, sometimes me, but—

“I’ll give you some time,” Draven said with a nod, reaching over and pressing the sweetest kiss to my lips. I wasn’t sure if Draven had ever done anything like that to me before so I was a little thrown by it. “Rest, recuperate, but I’m going to have to let the rest of the wing in. They’ve been pacing back and forth outside this door since you were admitted.”

A dull roar from outside had us looking out the windows to where we saw five very familiar dragons, each one calling out their greeting to mine.

“And you’ll need to take the little queen out to see those bastards as well,” Draven assured me. “They’ve been downright unruly. Hasn’t been a bad thing. It’s kept the wolves from my door for the moment.” The light in his eyes seemed to dim then. “Almost makes me want to jump on ‘Spire’s back and fly for Dragon Home.”

Yes, that, I wanted to insist.Let’s do that. Leave this bloody place behind us and just go and live in peace amongst dragonkind, if that was possible.A heavy thud at the door, then a muffled shout of Draven’s name, forced my thoughts away from that.

“I’ve got to go. Funerals to prepare for, the handover of power to get through, but I’ll return. For the evening meal or perhaps before, I promise.”

I didn’t want him to go, some instinctive need inside me flaring to life the moment he did.

Because you are a queen and he is your mate, Glimmer said before clambering over to the windowsill to stare down at her dragons.That’s the way it’s supposed to be.

I wasn’t sure about that, but I never had been and Glimmer didn’t ever share any of my doubts. Perhaps between the two of us we’d get it right. As soon as the door was open, my other men came pushing rudely past their crown prince, no, future king, to get to me.

“Gods bloody balls,” Flynn growled, sinking to his knees by the side of the bed. “Tell me you’re alright.”

“Stop crowding the girl,” Soren snapped, holding out his arms to force everyone back. “Are you alright, love?” He scanned the bed, my pillows, the blankets and Glimmer. “And look at your little queen. Fighting fit and twice as dangerous.” He moved closer to fuss with my pillows. “Now lie back and rest—”

“Pippin, what the bloody hell happened? Ged asked, flopping down on the bed beside us. “I was out chasing after Marcus and then—”

“Now is not the time for cross examination,” Brom said, his voice the commander, not my husband, and I saw the worry in his eyes for just a second, there and gone again. He went over and closed the doors, then locked them. “Pippin needs to rest.”

“You’re holding something back,” I said.


“Don’t.” Brom stared at the hand I held up. “Tell me.”

His breath came out in a long hiss, all the steel seeming to go out of his spine. Lines formed in his face, and I frantically wanted to smooth them away.

“The general has already been to see me about… dissolving the marriage. You are the only queen rider we have and…”

Draven was the crown prince and needed a queen. The thought turned me ice cold, even if every time the prince and I touched, it set my skin alight. I felt like I’d gone back in time to being that girl again, in that terrible dress, being forced into a throne room I had no business being in, being made to play a role I hadn’t agreed to.

“No.” That was my instinctual response. Hope flared hot in Brom’s eyes, one he ruthlessly smothered. “No.”

“If you don’t, he’ll be forced to marry the girl who bonds with Zafira’s last queen egg,” Brom said, trying for being reasonable but failing. “All while he’s in love with you.” He shook his head. “Draven’s made clear he will not seek to stop us from pursuing a relationship with you, Pippin, behind closed doors.”

But we’d have to lie. Not the one we’d all agreed upon when deciding to return to the keep, but whatever Draven dictated. His position would have to be protected on all flanks, made unassailable from the forces that clustered around him, wanting to pull him down. For us to succeed we would have to make sacrifices every day, for him, for our king.

Regardless, I said the only thing I could say in response.