Carter crosses his arms over his chest and looks out the window, ignoring her. Helen turns around to look at us with raised brows.

“Kate is right. You usually get over your little arguments quite quickly, but you’ve barely spoken in two weeks now. What is going on with you two?”

I stare down at my hands, hoping she’ll just let it go, but she won’t.

“Emilia?” she says, her tone sharp. I glare at Carter and then look back at Helen.

“He ruined my first date,” I say. “Tony asked me out, and we went to the movies. Carter followed us there. He even sat right next to me and told Tony he’d lose his hands if he touched me. Tony didn’t even dare hold my hand,” I tell her, distraught all over again. I didn’t even want to go on a date with Tony, but it was the first time I’d ever been asked out. I still wanted it to be a nice experience.

Helen stares at Carter with wide eyes. “You didn’t!” she says, outraged. She stares Carter down and he looks away. He purses his lips in annoyance and I’m glad I got him into at least a little bit of trouble. Helen looks back at me and raises her brows. “And you. You went out with Tony? Little snotty Tony from down the block? The one that would always cry if anyone so much as touched him?”

I feel myself blush. “He’s not little anymore,” I say. Carter snickers and turns his head towards me.

“Yeah he is. Puny little fucker.”

Helen shoots him a warning look and Carter grits his teeth. “You were totally out of line there, Carter. If I hear of you behaving that way towards Emilia again, I won’t hesitate to ground you. Pulling pranks on her is one thing, but ruining her date is something else entirely.”

She then turns to me, a stern look adorning her face. “And you, Emilia, I thought we had an agreement that there would be no dating until you and Kate turn sixteen. There are still a few months left until then, isn’t that right?”

I sigh and nod. Carter chuckles and I elbow him.

“I’d better not hear any more of this dating nonsense until you’re sixteen,” she tells me. I pout and eventually nod.

Carter grins and I pinch his thigh, making him yelp. He grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, biting down on my finger. He doesn’t bite hard, but it’s still annoying as hell. I gasp and lean in, biting down on the arm he’s holding me with.

Helen turns back around, looking exasperated. “You two aren’t kids anymore, for god’s sake. Behave, or we’re turning this car around and you can both stay home!”

I glare at him and let go, and he glares at me just as fiercely. I don’t remember the last time I’ve been this mad at him. Kate looks worried and pats my leg. “Don’t piss mom off,” she warns me. “You know how crazy she gets when she’s mad.”

I nod. It’s true. Helen has the patience of a saint, but when she snaps, all hell breaks loose. I stay quiet for the remainder of the journey, and so does Carter. I don’t think the trip to the cabin has ever been so peaceful. Even William looks surprised with our behavior.

As soon as we’re out of the car, Carter and I both storm into the cabin, ignoring each other. He’s the one that’s in the wrong, so I don’t know why he’s acting so aggrieved. He should be apologizing to me, but instead he’s just making me even more angry.

Chapter 16


I walk behind Emilia as we hike through the woods like we do every year. She hasn’t spoken a word to me in hours and I hate it. I can’t believe she’s acting like this over Tony. I could’ve sworn she didn’t even remember him until recently. Besides, if she just called him and asked him out, he’d be falling all over himself to take her on a second date.

Kate glares at me as though it’s her I’ve wronged. It irritates me that she’s more concerned with Emilia and I ruining her weekend than she is concerned about Emilia. It’s very rare for Emilia to be angry for long. She forgives and forgets quickly, but this time it’s different. It’s been almost two weeks. She hasn’t even been peering into my bedroom lately. Instead, she’s been keeping her curtains closed. She won’t speak to me on the ride to and from school either. It’s frustrating as hell.

I fall into step with her and she glances up before looking away again. I hate how easily she dismisses me. I can’t remember the last time I was angry at her for more than a day. I don’t think I ever have been.

“Are you looking forward to going kayaking later?” I ask, grinning. I still remember how she toppled over last year. I ended up having to dive into the lake to help her. It was hilarious.

Emilia doesn’t even glance at me. She just increases her pace and starts walking next to my mother. Mom looks behind her curiously and raises her brow at me, but I shake my head. I didn’t do anything, not today.

Kate punches me in the arm and glares at me. “I can’t believe you did that, Carter. She’s never going to forgive you for ruining her date with Tony. And she shouldn’t either. Tony is super cute and you totally embarrassed her in front of him.”

I groan. “I guess cute is a good way to describe him. He’s small and dainty, like a kitten. Seriously, though, Kate. He’s just some little prick. Surely she doesn’t actually like him.”

Kate rolls her eyes. “She does. Or she did, anyway, until you ruined it. Why would she go out with him if she didn’t like him? Tony is smart and sweet. He’s super tall too. What’s not to like?”

I roll my eyes. “Sounds like it’s you who likes him, and not Emilia.”

Kate blushes and looks away. “I can’t believe you actually followed her into the movie theatre. What’s wrong with you? I know you two have that whole feud thing going on, but that was a bit weird. It wasn’t even really a prank. Why did you do that?”

I grit my teeth. I don’t know why I did it either. Up until now I’ve been okay keeping my feelings to myself. I didn’t think I’d ever act on them, but I could barely think straight when I realized Emilia was actually going out with someone else. I couldn’t help it. I don’t know what to say to Kate. I don’t have a reply for her. Not an acceptable one, anyway.