Her eyes flash with anger, and she looks at me with raised brows. “Just because I dated Asher doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to date Carter. Just because I made a mistake doesn’t mean you should be making the same one. You definitely shouldn’t be throwing things I told you in confidence in my face.”

I inhale deeply and shake my head. I can’t figure out whether she’s misunderstanding on purpose or if I’m just not making myself clear. “That’s not what I’m trying to do at all. I’m just trying to make you understand. Surely you understand how it feels? Wasn’t it the same with Asher — knowing better, but being unable to resist? This was never about you, Kate. I’m not trying to hurt you and I’m not trying to take anything from you. I truly love him.”

She grits her teeth and looks away. “That’s bullshit, Emilia. You could’ve had anyone you wanted, but you chose to go after Carter. Don’t give me all this tortured bullshit. You knew full what you were doing and you did it, anyway. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If you date Carter, then we’re done. Our friendship is over. Make your choice.”

I stare at her in disbelief. “It’s been over ten years, Kate. You’d throw away our friendship because I fell in love with Carter?”

She shrugs and turns to leave. I inhale deeply and make up my mind. “Fine,” I say, stopping her in her tracks. “If that’s truly what you want, then that’s how things will be. I won’t ever give up on my relationship with Carter. I’ve chosen you over him before, and I have been doing that for years. I chose you over him even after you ditched me for Gabby, and I regretted it for years. I won’t do it again. I love you, Kate… but this time I’m choosing my own happiness.”

She laughs humorously and shakes her head. “Of course you do. You’ve always been a selfish bitch. I didn’t even realize you’ve been going behind my back for years, you’re just that good. I bet you thought you could have it all. That you could betray me and we’d all still be a happy family. Things won’t work out for you, Emilia. You don’t deserve happiness. Carter can do a lot better than you, and it won’t take him long to realize it. When he finally leaves you, where will you be? I’ll be counting down the days, Emilia. I’ll be waiting until you’re finally out of our lives forever. I bet I won’t have to wait very long at all. After all, not even your own family loves you. How could Carter?”

She laughs and walks off while I try my best to keep from falling apart. Part of me knows she’s right. I did betray her, I did lie to her, and Carter can do better.

Chapter 43


“Come on,” Asher says, pulling Mason and me along. I giggle and sway a little as we make our way into the stadium. We’ve been tailgating before the game, and I’m already buzzing pleasantly. Mason wraps his arm around my shoulders and maneuvers us through the crowd. Carter managed to get us seats on the lower level and I couldn’t be more excited.

“You look cute,” Mason says, pointing at my clothes. I’m wearing Carter’s jersey with jean shorts, and I’m giddy as hell. “The paint is a nice touch too,” he says.

I glance down at my outfit and grin. “It’s the first game of the season. Scratch that, it’s the first college football game I’ve ever attended, and my boyfriend is playing. Of course I went all out! Don’t worry, I brought face paint for you too.”

Asher and Mason both groan and look at each other. “Of course she did,” Mason says to Asher. I forced them both into Carter’s jersey too. By the time I’m done with them the three of us will look all matching and supportive as hell.

Mason is antsy when we sit down and almost jumps out of his seat when the cheering squad walks onto the field. His eyes are on Lisa and I don’t think anything could’ve distracted him. His eyes are glued to her the entire time and I can’t help but smile to myself. He’s obviously in love with her… she’s the only one who doesn’t realize it. “You know she wants you too, right?”

Mason tears his attention away from her for a single second and shakes his head. “No, she doesn’t. It’s my brother she wants. It’s him she sees when she looks at me.”

I punch his arm and shake my head. “You’re a fool. You’re all she sees. You just don’t want to acknowledge it.”

He smiles sadly and takes a big swig of his beer. He leans back in his seat and stares at Lisa, and my heart breaks right along with his. I don’t understand why they won’t reach for the happiness they both want.

“He won’t listen,” Asher murmurs into my ear. “I’m not sure what the story is there, but I’m pretty sure it’s quite complicated.”

I nod and sigh. From what he’s told me, it does sound like there’s a lot standing between them. It’s so heartbreaking to see how much they clearly love each other, yet they stay away.

“Talk about complicated,” Asher murmurs. He tips his head toward the row in front of us and I look over to find Kate sitting next to Jake. He’s got his arm wrapped around her and his head close to hers.

They must feel our gazes on them, because they both look up. I’m not at all surprised to find that Jake’s eyes are bloodshot. He’s probably high on something. “I don’t understand what she sees in him,” I murmur.

Asher laughs humorously. “He’s fun, unlike me.”

I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh. “Her loss.”

The three of us watch the game and ignore Kate and Jake as best as we can. It isn’t hard to do in the excitement of the game. The energy is amazing, and I can’t believe I missed out on this last year. Carter is even more magnificent on the field than he was in high school. There’s definitely a huge difference between the way he played then and the way he plays now. The endless training he does has clearly made a huge difference. I can totally see him going pro.

“Come on,” Asher says as soon as the game ends in a win for us. He pulls me along and maneuvers us through the crowd before I even have a chance to ask him where we’re going. Before I know it, we’re standing on the field and Carter is running up to us. He throws his helmet on the floor and lifts me into his arms. “Emilia,” he whispers, breathing hard. I grin and press a kiss to his lips, despite the sweaty mess.

“You were amazing,” I say. Carter grins and twirls me around happily. He sets me down and claps Asher on the back before looking behind him. Asher and I turn to find Kate walking onto the field, her hand in Jake’s. Asher grits his teeth and Carter tries his best to keep his expression neutral, but it’s obvious to me that he isn’t happy to see her with Jake.

“You were amazing, bro,” she says, smiling. He grins and hugs her, ignoring Jake altogether. My heart clenches painfully. I’m glad Carter and Kate are doing okay now. She was just as mad at him as she was at me, but she ended up forgiving him. I just wish she’d give me a chance too. I miss her like crazy, even though I’m doing my best to act like I don’t.

“Thanks, baby sis,” he says. “We’re gonna have some drinks after. You wanna come?”

Kate hesitates and then nods, much to my surprise. Carter is clearly surprised that she said yes too, but he hides it much better than I did. I feel almost invisible as we make our way to the house party we agreed to meet at. Kate is laughing with Jake and Carter, while I just feel oddly left out. Carter is visibly torn between us, and I hate that. I hate everything about this. I miss Kate. I miss the way we used to be. Part of me thought that things would still be perfect between us all. That Kate would actually become even more of a sister instead of a friend once Carter and I got together, and that she’d be happy for us. I didn’t realize how many hopes I had until everything fell apart. I didn’t realize I’d been counting on her eventually forgiving me. What if she doesn’t? How will that affect Carter and me?

“You okay, baby?” Carter murmurs as he wraps his arm around me.