Emilia: Why would she respond the way she did if you didn’t sleep with her?

Devil: Fuck if I know. She’s crazy. She kissed me at a party a few weeks ago. I was really drunk, so I let her. That’s all.

My heart aches. He kissed her. I knew something must’ve happened between them, but I’m hurt nonetheless. I shouldn’t be.

Emilia: So you got with her? You might not have slept with her, but you made out with her.

Devil: I’m sorry, Emilia

Emilia: You should be. If not for your slutty behavior, we wouldn’t have gotten suspended.

I stare at my screen. It looks like he’s typing, but then he stops and starts all over again. It takes minutes before he actually messages me again.

Devil: I know you won’t believe this, but the rumors you’re hearing about me aren’t actually true. I haven’t slept with anyone, Minx.

I stare at my phone in disbelief. Surely he doesn’t expect me to believe that he’s still a virgin. He’s seventeen. I know most guys his age are already doing it. Besides, I’ve been hearing rumors about him for almost two years now.

Devil: I’m not a slut, Minx. Quite the opposite.

I’m about to reply when I hear the front door slam downstairs. Footsteps rush up the stairs and Helen walks into my room with a furious look on her face. She holds her hand out and I reluctantly hand her my phone.

“I know this one technically wasn’t your fault, Milly. Nonetheless, I’m punishing you both. I don’t mind your little feud and your arguments, but it cannot interfere with school. Carter gets away with a lot because he’s on the football team, but you’ll need your scholarship, Milly. You’re so close to getting a free ride to college. Rein in the pranks, okay?”

I nod. I know she’s only looking out for me and I love her for it, but I do feel like I’m being punished unfairly. Helen grabs my laptop from my desk and takes it with her.

“I’ll leave the TV downstairs, but I’m going to come in randomly and make sure you’re in your room where you’re meant to be. Don’t try me, Emilia.”

I sigh and fall back onto my bed as she walks back out, my portals to the world outside in her hands.

Chapter 9


I’m going stir crazy. My mother handed me a bunch of ridiculously boring books that I have to read for English class. No one actually reads them, and she knows it. We all just look up summaries and write our reports on those. But I guess I read them now. It’s the only form of entertainment available to me.

I stare into Emilia’s room and she looks just as frustrated as I do. She’s seated at her desk, facing me. Her hair is loose and she hasn’t changed out of her favorite pajamas in days now. She too was handed the books on her own required reading list, and she looks just as bored as I probably do. I grab a sheet of paper and write on it with large letters before pressing it to my window. It reads I’m bored.

I hold it up until she finally notices. Emilia looks at it and grins. She gets up from her desk and comes back with a stack of paper in her hands. She writes out a message and holds it up to her window.

Me too. It’s your fault.

I grin wryly and grab another sheet of paper. I’ll never live this one down. The police getting involved is a first for us, and we’ve both had to listen to my mom’s endless berating. I know. Lesson learned. Should we play a game?

What lesson? Yes, sure, she holds up. I look away. I know what she wants me to say. She’s stuck on the idea of me and Jennifer. I know she blames me for getting with that airhead, and I know that she’s right. Me getting with Jennifer is exactly what got us into trouble, but part of me is hoping it’s more than that. Part of me is hoping she might be feeling a little jealous.

For being promiscuous. Let’s play hangman.

Emilia laughs, her face transforming. She looks beautiful when she laughs and my heart feels a little funny.

Wow. You learned a new word. Impressive. I’ll start.

I roll my eyes. My grades are just as good as hers, and if things go to plan, I’ll be able to get at least a partial academic scholarship, and if I’m really lucky, a partial football scholarship on top of it. Woodstock is too small of a town to get a full-ride football scholarship, though that won’t stop me from trying.

Emilia draws out the game and I guess the letters. It only takes me a couple of minutes to figure out what the words are, and I feel myself blush. This freaking Minx. I regret telling her I’m a virgin. I’m not sure that knowledge is safe in her little hands.

Virgin Mary, I write out, guessing the words correctly. I stick the paper to my window with force and Emilia starts laughing again.

There you go. Taught you an analogy, she replies. I glare at her and look away, my cheeks burning.