She’s the one that kept fetching me drinks and then pretty much jumped me when I was too drunk to even function properly. I feel no remorse for turning her down flat. If our roles were reversed, I’d be making sure she got home okay. I wouldn’t be waiting for her to get so drunk that she isn’t thinking clearly. Jennifer gives me psycho vibes. I close Emilia’s locker, but she still manages to look inside it before the door shuts. She gasps and I inhale deeply, praying for patience.
“Oh, my god. Emilia Parker is a pothead? Who would’ve known... It’s always the quiet ones you need to be worried about. I knew something was off about her. She always acts like a goody two shoes, but I knew it was just an act,” she says excitedly.
I try to keep from rolling my eyes and shake my head. “She’s not a pothead,” I snap.
Jennifer nods. “I see, so she’s just selling? Can I have some? I just want to try it once.”
“It’s just a joke, Jennifer. It’s not real pot. Emilia would never do that, nor would I,” I say through clenched teeth. She fucking infuriates me.
Jennifer frowns at me, and her eyes flash. “You two are awfully close, aren’t you? Is she the reason you don’t want to hang out with me?”
I shake my head and walk past her. I literally have no time to deal with her right now. “I’m late for class, gotta go,” I shout, praying she won’t follow me to the damn classroom.
Chapter 7
I know I’m in trouble when the intercom system announces that I’m expected to make my way to the Principal’s office immediately. Kate and I glance at each other and I shake my head, indicating that I have no idea what this might be about.
I walk towards the Principal’s office with slow steps, dreading the inevitable. The pranks Carter and I pull on each other have gotten me detention before, but I’ve never once had to go to the Principal’s office. Besides, I haven’t done anything, so that can only mean one thing. Carter got me into trouble.
I walk in to find Carter and Helen both sitting in front of the Principal’s desk. Our neighborhood police officer, Officer Oliver, is standing behind them and I’m suddenly terrified. What even happened?
“Emilia,” Officer Oliver says. I’ve volunteered to help the police force with neighborhood initiatives before, and I’ve always liked Officer Oliver. He’s the very picture of a sweet old man, yet he’s the last person I want to see standing here. My stomach is in knots as I walk towards Helen. She looks just as confused as I do.
“We called your father, but he said Mrs. Clarke would act as your guardian in his absence,” the Principal tells me. I nod. I don’t think my dad has come to school even once this year, so that hardly surprises me.
Officer Oliver clears his throat and we all turn to look at him. “We got a report that a student was dealing drugs, Miss Parker. Would you please allow us to check your locker?”
“What?” I whisper, my heart racing, a frown creasing my face.
Carter groans and buries his face in his hands. “How many times do I need to tell you? It’s just a prank. There are no drugs.”
Officer Oliver nods, his expression carefully blank. “Miss Parker,” he says. I nod and lead him to my locker in silence. What the hell did Carter do? My heart is beating wildly as I unlock my locker. The door opens and a translucent bag falls to the floor. Officer Oliver picks it up and holds it up for me to see.
“What is this, Miss Parker?”
I look at Carter with wide eyes, but he looks frustrated.
“For God’s sake,” he snaps. Helen grabs his arm and stares him down, her eyes filled with worry and disbelief.
“Just open it and smell it, please,” Carter says. Officer Oliver raises his brow and does as Carter asks. His lips tug up at the edges ever so slightly before his usual expressionless look replaces it. He hands the bag to Helen and shakes his head. She frowns as she raises the bag to her nose and inhales. She looks both relieved and furious when she realizes what it is.
“Oregano,” she snaps.
Officer Oliver smiles and looks down at his feet before facing us again. “We reviewed the video surveillance, and it looks like your son put this in Miss Parker’s locker.” He turns towards us with a stern expression. “No more of this, kids. The next time I’m called in over a prank, I’ll be taking both of you with me to the station. I’ll let you think about your actions in a holding cell. Trust me, you don’t want that.”
Helen nods and slaps Carter’s arm.
He looks annoyed but nods too. “Yes, sir,” he says.
Officer Oliver shakes his head and walks away, looking irked.
I exhale in relief and glare at Carter. “Oregano, really?”
He shrugs and smiles at me, but his smile drops off his face when the Principal turns towards us. “I am sick and tired of the nonsense you two get up to. You’re both suspended for a week,” he says, red in the face.
Helen gasps and shakes her head. “Oh no, Principal. It was just a joke. Surely you can just give them detention for a week?”