“Lately, the way you two act around each other is a bit odd too. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something is weird. And then the thing with Tony… Kind of seemed like you were jealous or something. But you’d never go there with Emilia, right? She’s part of our family. She’s like our sister.”

Her words hit me right in the gut. Is that how Emilia sees me? Does she see me as a brother? No, surely not. If she did, she wouldn’t watch me the way she does. She wouldn’t have climbed on top of me and sat on my dick if she saw me as her brother. I definitely don’t see her as a sister — not even close.

Kate hits my arm again. “I’m serious, Carter. She’s not someone you can mess with. She’s my best friend, she’s part of our family. I’d never forgive you if you made a move on her. I know she’s pretty. Everyone thinks she’s pretty. I see how all the boys around us look at her… but not you, okay? Please, Carter, not you too.”

I’m startled by her words. Emilia and I don’t even flirt. Not really. Every once in a while I catch her looking at me with interest, but it’s always fleeting. What is Kate seeing that I’m not?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say. Kate sighs and shakes her head.

“I’m not blind, Carter. When you think she’s not looking, your eyes are always on her. Sometimes it feels like you treat her even better than you treat me. When I have a late class, you make Mom pick me up, but when it’s Emilia, you always go get her yourself. I’ve been on the cheering squad for months now, but you only started showing up at training once Emilia joined. No matter how much I begged you to come hang out with me and the girls, you’d never do it. But now Emilia joins and all of a sudden you show up? I’m not stupid.”

I blink in surprise. I didn’t even realize I did any of those things. I guess it’s true, though. I did start showing up to her cheering practice specifically because I wanted to come watch and mess with Emilia. Looks like Kate is far more observant than I gave her credit for.

“I don’t get it,” I reply. “There’s nothing going on between me and her, but even if there was, how is that at all your problem?”

I’m irrationally angry. I know she’s not being unreasonable, but I still don’t like hearing it. Kate looks up at me pleadingly.

“She’s my best friend, Carter. She’s at our house almost every day and she comes with us on every trip. We spend all our holidays together too. Imagine if something happened between you two? How awkward would things get? I don’t want to lose my best friend because of you. Besides, I’ve seen the way she looks at you sometimes. Just stay away from her, okay?”

I glare at her and grit my teeth. “She’s my friend too, Kate. We both met her at the exact same time. It’s not like you’ve known her any longer. You don’t own her. If anything happened between us, then that’s none of your business at all.”

Kate’s expression crumples and I instantly feel bad. I sigh and throw my arm around my little sister. “Nothing is going on between me and her, Kate. I understand where you’re coming from, but I promise you, you’re worrying for nothing. She and I are just friends. Or frenemies, I guess. That’s a thing, right?”

Kate laughs and nods. “Yeah, that’s a thing. I just hope you’ll never be more than that, Carter. You might not care, but I’m dead serious. I’ll never ever forgive you.”

Such harsh words coming out of my sweet baby sister’s lips are shocking to say the least. I never realized she felt so strongly about this. I never realized she was worried about Emilia and me getting together.

“I hear you, baby sis. You’re worried for nothing, though. Like I said, nothing is going on between Emilia and me.”

Kate shakes her head. “You say that, but I see the way you look at her. I see the way she looks at you too. Don’t do this to me, okay? Don’t fall for her. I love Emilia too, so I get it, but she’s already every teacher’s and Mom’s favorite. Why does she have to be yours too?”

I’m startled to say the least. “Kate, surely you aren’t jealous of Emilia? She won’t ever take your place, you know that, right? Even if I did ever date her, and I’m not saying I will, but even if I did, you’d still always be my only sister. Nothing would ever change. And mom doesn’t love her more than she loves either of us, of course she doesn’t. It’s just that you and I both hate doing chores, and Emilia is always helping Mom with one thing or another. I think Mom also gives her just a touch more attention because her dad is literally never there for her.”

Part of me resents Kate for begrudging Emilia the little bit of attention my mom gives her, but part of me also gets it. Kate probably feels like she’s always had to compete with Emilia, and in most aspects she loses. Not because she isn’t as good as Emilia, but because Emilia works much harder than Kate ever does. Emilia has better grades because she works her ass off for them. While Kate is usually on her phone or watching Netflix, Emilia is usually studying. She works even harder than I do, and I’m putting absolutely everything into getting an academic scholarship. It’s true that Emilia gets more of Mom’s attention, but that’s because she’s always helping around the house and she’s always offering to go everywhere with Mom.

“I don’t care,” Kate says. “You just can’t go there with her. Not her. Anyone but her, Carter.”

I’m not sure what to do. It might very well be too late for me to take a step back.

Chapter 17


Emilia still hasn’t spoken a single word to me. I thought for sure she’d get over it because we’re at the cabin and it’s usually her favorite place to be, but she hasn’t gotten over it. I can’t believe the first time we’re truly arguing is over freaking Tony. He’s not worthy of touching a single strand of her hair. If it was someone worthwhile, I’d at least understand it - I think.

I pace back and forth in my room. I need to make this right somehow, but I don’t know how. Eventually, I come up with an idea that might work.

I walk up to the room she shares with Kate and knock. Kate opens the door and looks surprised to find me standing here. I push past her and walk into the room. Emilia is sitting on their bed in a tight t-shirt and some very short shorts. No bra. I can see the outline of her nipples right through the fabric and force my eyes up.

“What’re you doing here?” she snaps. I grab her hand and pull her up. “Let’s have a chat,” I tell her. She tries to pull her hand out of mine, but I won’t let her. Kate jumps up to follow us, but I shake my head and glare at her.

“Give us some time to talk things out. You can have her back later. Or do you want us to keep arguing and ruin the rest of the weekend?”

Kate looks conflicted and sends me a warning look that I ignore. If she knew what I’m about to do, she’d never let Emilia go with me. Part of me feels guilty for doing something I know she’d vehemently oppose, but I can’t resist. I’ve been brooding all night and I cannot stay away from Emilia. I can’t leave things be the way they are.

I drag Emilia along and out of the house. When she stops resisting, I intertwine our fingers and hold her hand, my pace slowing. She follows me to the lake. Neither one of us speaks when we get to the little makeshift pier where the water is shallowest. Eventually I turn towards Emilia, her hand still in mine. I raise our joined hands to my heart and look into her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Emilia.”