Emilia’s expression drops, and a hint of insecurity replaces her former bravado. I regret my words instantly. My hands move to her hips and I hold her gingerly. She looks away and sits in my lap, frozen. The moment broken. So it bothers her to think that my reaction to her isn’t exclusive to her, huh? I sigh and run my hand over her back.

“So, what did you do, Minx?” I whisper. She blinks as though she’s only just remembering what she came here to do in the first place, and she laughs, her eyes twinkling. Whatever she did, it’ll be a good one.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she says, grinning. I’m relieved to see the smile back on her face and put my arms behind my back. I lie back while Emilia sits on top of me like it’s the most normal thing in the world. She’s far more brazen than I thought she’d be, and I freaking love it. She doesn’t even seem to feel self-conscious because of my hard on. If anything, she seems to revel in it.

“You do this often, Minx?” I murmur, an annoying thought crossing my mind. “Climbing on top of guys that are half naked and rock hard?”

Her cheeks turn bright red, and she looks at me with wide eyes. I bite back a smile. I’m enjoying this far too much.

“I mean, if you want, I can always remove the towel.”

I didn’t think she could get any redder, but she does. Emilia looks flustered and shocked, but why doesn’t she look repulsed? She glares at me and I wrap my hands around her tiny waist. She’s so beautiful. It’s unreal.

I shift on my bed and feel something underneath me, almost like a marble. I frown and reach under my back, only to find that whatever it is, it’s underneath my sheets. Emilia grins and jumps off me as I reach underneath my blankets. My fingers wrap around something that feels an awful lot like an insect, and my heart drops. She knows I fucking hate insects. I raise my hand to my face with wide eyes and a pounding heart. My panic must be obvious because she bursts out laughing and makes a run for the door.

I’m so shocked by the cockroach in my hand that I can’t even stop her from leaving. I drop it, staring at it in horror. Emilia’s phone camera flashes from my peripheral vision and then she’s gone.

I stare at the horrendous thing on my bed in utter shock. It takes me a full five minutes to realize it isn’t even real. I pick it back up with trembling hands and shake my head. This girl… she’ll be the death of me.

Chapter 13


I rush out of the house, munching on my breakfast bar with half my books still in my arms instead of in my bag. I know that damn devil is going to leave me behind if I don’t hurry. He’s done it to Kate before, and I don’t doubt that he’ll do it to me too if I give him the chance. Ever since he got his license and his car last year he’s become even more insufferable. I know he’s going to want payback for the cockroach prank too. I’d be a fool to give him an excuse.

Carter is leaning against his car, arms crossed and eyes on his watch. He’s wearing dark jeans with a black tee that looks far too good on him. My eyes roam over his body and linger on his crotch. I feel myself blush, my mind flashing back to the way I sat in his lap yesterday. What was I even thinking? I can’t believe I behaved that way. I just can’t think straight when it comes to Carter.

Ever since we were suspended together, I’ve turned into a nympho of sorts. I can’t stop thinking about him and the way he touched himself. I can’t help but wonder what he’ll feel like against me and what he might feel like in my hands. I keep peeking into his bedroom like the pervert I’ve become. In the weeks since our suspension, I haven’t seen him touch himself the way he did then, but he keeps forgetting to close his curtains and walks around half naked all the time. It’s a sight I enjoy far too much. Would he be embarrassed if he found out I’ve been watching him? Would he think I’m weird? I can’t look at him without my thoughts turning indecent.

Carter glances up from his watch and I snap out of it. I jump into the car and glare at Kate, who’s occupying the back seat.

“I don’t understand why we can’t both sit in the back,” I snap, reviving our daily argument. Carter leans over and his cologne washes over me. Whatever he’s wearing smells delicious on him. My heart starts racing and I blush when he grabs my seatbelt and buckles me in.

“For the last time, Minx. I’m not your damn driver. One of you is sitting in the front or neither one of you is coming with me.”

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. Kate puts her hand on my seat and leans in as far as her seatbelt allows her to. “So, are you excited for your date?” she asks.

My head whips towards her, and I look at her with wide eyes. I shake my head frantically to indicate that she needs to shut up, but she glances at me and then at Carter with a wide smile on her face.

“What date?” Carter asks, his tone sharp.

I shake my head and sit up straight. I look out the window and try to hide my crimson cheeks. “She’s kidding,” I tell him. I see his hands tighten on his steering wheel from my peripheral vision and I bite down on my lip. He can’t find out. If Carter finds out, he’ll find a way to ruin the first date I’ve ever been asked on. I can’t let that happen. Most of the girls in my class have done far more than date, and I’ve never even been kissed yet. If it’s up to Carter, I never will be.

Besides, it’s both his and Kate’s fault I agreed to the date in the first place. Kate is hanging out with Gabby later, and I can’t seem to get Carter off my mind these days. I don’t like it at all. Every time I get lost in thought, I wind up thinking about him.

“What date?” he repeats, his voice low and dangerous. I know that voice. He only ever sounds that way when I’m really, really close to snapping his patience. I bite down on my lip and stare out the window. If I just refuse to answer, he’ll eventually let it go. He knows from experience that I’ll only talk if I want to.

“Oh, Tony asked her out. I can’t believe it took him this long to finally ask. He’s been crazy about Milly for years now, but she barely realized he even existed. I’m so excited!” Kate says. She bounces in her seat, ignoring the death stare I’m giving her from the mirror. She leans back into her seat, looking pleased. I shake my head, shocked by her betrayal. How could she do this to me? She knows Carter is going to fuck this up for me now.

“Tony who? Tony fucking Andrews?” Carter says. He looks at me, his eyes blazing.

I shrug. “None of your damn business,” I reply, fuming. Carter clenches his jaw and stares straight ahead. It’s silent for a couple of minutes.

“No,” Carter says eventually. I frown and look at him in question. “You can’t go. I forbid it,” he says angrily.

I burst out laughing. “You forbid it?” I repeat, my hackles raised. This asshole. “Who do you think you are, Carter? You’re not my dad. I’m going, whether you like it or not.”

“No, you’re fucking not, Emilia,” he yells. He looks furious, which is really unlike him. Carter has his dad’s patience. He never gets mad and he never really snaps at me, but it looks like he can’t help it today. The idea of me going out with Tony really pisses him off.