I wake up in a familiar bed and smile happily. How many times have I been here? How many times has my mind taken me back to these precious moments? I’ve had this exact dream for years now, and I still can’t get enough of it. It replays in the exact same way every time, as though I’m watching a highlight reel of my favorite memories.

I turn over and trace the edges of the pillow next to mine with my fingers. I grin and scoot over to his side of the bed. It’s still warm, so I know he can’t have been up for long. I bury my face in his pillow and inhale deeply, my lungs filling with his scent, the butterflies in my stomach set ablaze. Carter.

It’s only in this dream that I feel this alive. I can’t tell if any of these memories, these dreams, are even real. I don’t know if they’re a figment of my imagination, a glorification of the past. They must be, because real life can’t ever have been this good. The happiness I feel when I have this dream… it can’t be real.

I sigh and sit up, the sheets falling to my waist. Even though he was with me just moments ago, I miss him already. My heart feels empty, the yearning heartbreaking in the best way. I bite down on my lip and rise to my feet, the floor cold underneath my feet. My eyes fall to the hooks we put on the door together, my robe hanging from one of them. I slip it on and tie the sash around my waist, grinning all the while, because I know it won’t stay on for very long.

I walk out of our bedroom, our apartment so tiny that his eyes find mine the second the door closes behind me. Carter is standing in the kitchen, wearing nothing more than boxers. My eyes roam over his body, a pang of longing coursing through me.

He catches me looking and smirks as he leans back against the kitchen counter, his body on display for me. I walk up to him, and his hands thread through my hair the second I’m within reach. His lips find mine, and I rise to my tiptoes, my hands sliding over his shoulders and around his neck. Carter’s lips feel soft against mine, and the gentleness he kisses me with make my heart overflow with happiness. I pull away and he drops his forehead to mine.

“Morning, Minx,” he whispers.

My eyes flutter closed and I inhale deeply. His voice, his touch, the nickname that’s exclusively his to use… I tighten my grip on him and hug him tightly, loving the feel of his body against mine. Standing here with him makes me feel like everything is right in the world.

Carter hugs me back, and I press my lips against his neck. I kiss him softly, and a shiver runs down his body. I smile to myself and kiss him again, teasing him.

“Minx,” he warns.

I giggle and pull away. Carter looks at me, his hazel eyes filled with wonder. Every once in a while, he looks at me as though I can’t be real, like he can’t believe we finally made it, that we finally ended up together.

He shakes his head and hands me a cup of coffee. I glance at the cup, and my heart starts to race.

“Coffee in your favorite mug,” he tells me, and I take it from him with a smile, my eyes dropping back to the cup he asked me to be his girlfriend with.

“Thank you, babe,” I murmur, lifting it to my lips. Carter grins, and I narrow my eyes, the cup pressed against my lips. I pull it away and lift it to his lips instead. “Actually, I don’t trust you. Taste test,” I tell him, and Carter bursts out laughing.

“Damn it, Minx,” he says, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “What gave me away? I promise this time I didn’t do anything too weird. I love you too much for that. No salt or anything. I just didn’t put sugar in, that’s all.”

I shake my head and keep the cup lifted up for him. “Nope,” I say, trying my best to look stern, and failing because he makes me feel so incredibly giddy.

Carter laughs, and the sound goes straight to my core. I’ve never considered anyone’s laugh to be sexy, no one’s but his. I watch him as he takes a sip from the coffee, and he shrugs.

“Told you, baby,” he tells me. “It’s just coffee, sans the sugar.”

I purse my lips and take the cup back, taking a teeny tiny sip, cautiously.

Carter laughs and wraps his hands around my waist, my robe coming undone. “I love you so much,” he says, his voice soft.

I lean in and press a quick kiss to his lips. “I love you more, babe.”

Carter lifts me onto the counter, and I almost spill my coffee. “Careful,” I warn him. “I love this t-shirt.”

He glances at the t-shirt I stole from him and shakes his head. “Minx, I have dozens of those t-shirts,” he says. “Matter of fact, I think I should get you out of this one.”

I wrap my legs around his waist, a thrill coursing through me when I feel his hardness against my inner thigh. Carter takes my coffee cup from me and puts it down on the kitchen counter.

In one fell swoop he’s got me in his arms, his arm underneath my knee and my head lying against his chest.

Instead of supporting my back, his hand clutches onto my ass, and he squeezes tightly. I giggle as he carries me back to our bedroom.

I lift my hand to his face, my fingers tracing over his face, from his forehead down his nose and over his lips. I smile and wrap my hand around his neck as I pull him closer. My lips brush against his, and he inhales sharply. I grin and graze his lower lip with my teeth the way he likes, and he groans.

He sits down on our bed with me in his lap, and I pull his face back against mine. I kiss him, properly this time.

Carter doesn’t kiss me back. Instead, he freezes, his grip on me becoming painfully tight. I whine in discomfort, the dream slowly slipping away.

My eyes open, and my heart stills when they settle on hazel-colored eyes. Somehow, I’m in Carter’s arms, and this time, it’s not a dream.