John frowns. “I thought that was just a hobby of yours. You’re actually planning on doing that full-time? What a waste of a degree. How many of those companies even succeed? Are you really willing to take on all that risk? What kind of stability will you have? How much debt will you end up with?”

I hear the questions he isn’t asking. What kind of stability will I be able to give Emilia? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself more and more often. I don’t see my future as just mine anymore. Every vision of the future I have includes her.

“Asher and I are limiting the amount of personal debt we’re taking on. We bought an apartment together that we’ve put up as collateral. I know the odds of us succeeding aren’t as high as I’d like them to be, but we have something amazing. If we pull this off, the return will be unimaginable.”

I glance at Emilia through the mirror, and she nods at me proudly. She’s always believed in me, and I’m working as hard as I can to make sure I don’t let her or myself down.

“How about just getting a job? A steady income. The market is tough as it is, why risk it when you’ve got a perfectly respectable degree?”

I nod. “I know. I do understand your concerns, but our business plan is solid. If I didn’t follow through on this, I’d regret it for the rest of my life.”

John stares at me and nods before looking away. I’ve never been the type to strive for someone’s approval, but I want his. I want to make Emilia feel the way she makes me feel whenever I see her with my Mom.

John is quiet for the remainder of the journey, but I can tell he’s gearing up to question me more. He probably just can’t think of anything right now, but it’ll come. Part of me can’t help but wonder if freaking Landon got the same treatment.

I inhale deeply as I park the car. I feel like I’m going from the frying pan into the fire. John in the car and Kate at the cabin. I’m sure Emilia is feeling just as emotionally worn out as me. I wink at her as I lift our luggage out of the trunk and she smiles up at me sweetly.

“So,” John says as we walk into the cabin, and my hackles are immediately raised. “I understand there are three bedrooms? One for you, one for Kate, and one for your parents?”

I nod warily. John tips his head to the two large sofas in the living room. “How about you give your bedroom to Emilia, and you and I can sleep on these sofas? Even a big guy like you will fit on one of these.”

I close my eyes in defeat while Emilia jumps up. “Oh, no, Dad. You take Carter’s room. He and I can sleep on the sofas. No problem.”

John looks at us through narrowed eyes and shakes his head. “No way, kiddo,” he says, before looking at me. “You and I will be sleeping on the sofas, far away from Emilia.”

I look down in amusement. Message received, loud and clear. I nod at John and Emilia groans as though she wants to argue with him, but I place my hand on the small of her back and shake my head ever so slightly.

“Go on, you go upstairs. I’ll be fine here.”

Emilia looks into my eyes and I nod at her as reassuringly as I can. She glares at her dad and crosses her arms.

“Dad, you know we’re not kids anymore, right?”

John shrugs. “You’ll always be a kid in my eyes. Besides, you aren’t even old enough to drink yet. How about we have this discussion again when you’re actually old enough to enter a bar, kiddo?”

Emilia huffs and turns around, stomping up the stairs in annoyance. I smile to myself, wishing I had her guts. I’d have loved to try and convince John to let me share a room with her, but I’m too scared to be disrespectful.

I guess I’ll have to try and sneak into my bedroom at some point…

Chapter 39


Emilia is quiet as we hike through the woods, like we do every year. She keeps glancing at Kate with so much heartbreak in her eyes that I can feel my own heart breaking. I was hoping Kate would get over us dating sooner than later, but she hasn’t. If anything, she’s making it seem like ignoring Emilia is easy. I grab Emilia’s hand and she looks up at me with sad eyes. I wish I could make things better, but I don’t know how. I’ve tried talking to Kate, but there’s no getting through to her.

Emilia entwines our fingers and holds onto me tightly. I raise our joint hands to my lips and kiss the back of her hand as we walk. This entire trip has been tense so far. Kate won’t speak to Emilia, Mom is caught between the two of them, and John keeps throwing questions at me that I don’t know how to answer. The only one that seems to be enjoying this trip is Dad.

I exhale when we reach the canoes by the water. I can’t wait for this day to be over already.

“Kate,” Emilia says, surprising us all. “Wanna go together?”

Kate glances at the canoe and then at Emilia before raising her brows. “Like I’d get on a boat with a backstabber like you. What? Are you itching to throw me off or something?”

I sigh and shake my head at Kate. “What the hell is wrong with you, man? Me dating Emilia has nothing to do with you. Mind your own goddamn business and stop being so fucking selfish.”

Hurt flashes through Kate’s eyes and she turns to glare at Emilia. “I see you’ve turned my own brother against me. Good job, Emilia.”

Emilia inhales deeply and looks up at the sky. Even I don’t know how much more of this bullshit she can take. I don’t want her to have to deal with this at all. Mom looks torn, as though she doesn’t know what to do or say.