I’m absentminded as I walk through the yard. I wasn’t even planning on going to the treehouse, but that’s where I end up nonetheless. In the place where it all started. This is where I met Carter and where we eventually both lost our virginity. It’s where he asked me to be his, all those years ago.

I place my palm against the handrail by the stairs and let my hand trail over it as I walk up . I go inside, expecting the treehouse to be empty, but instead I find Carter sitting on the floor. He looks up at me with a knowing smile and pats the pillow beside him.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

Carter grins and pulls me over, positioning me in his lap. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my temple. “I had a feeling you’d end up here tonight, and I could do with some solitude myself.”

He lies down and I reposition myself so that I’m a bit more comfortable, draping my leg over his and resting my head on his chest. We both lie there in silence for a few minutes, both of us lost in our own thoughts.

“I told my dad that I’m dating you. He was… surprised.”

Carter tenses and buries a hand in my hair. “You should’ve told me. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it. I should’ve been with you when you told him.”

I shake my head and press a kiss to his neck. “It’s okay.”

Carter runs his hand over my back soothingly and I snuggle in closer. He turns so we’re both on our side and cups my cheek. He looks into my eyes, looking more vulnerable than I’ve ever seen him look before.

“I love you, Emilia. Promise me we’ll get through this together. No matter what Kate or anyone else throws at us, promise me we’re in this together.”

I smile and press a quick kiss to his lips. “I love you too, Carter. I promise. I promise we’re in this together. I’m fully aware that things won’t be easy for a while, but when have things ever been easy for us? I’m not willing to give up. I let you go once, and I won’t do it again. I love you too much. You’re my better half, Carter. It sounds lame as hell, but I don’t think I’ll ever feel complete again without you.”

Carter exhales in relief and kisses me so sweetly that my heart skips a beat. “Thank God,” he whispers. I look into his eyes and smile. So long as we’ve got each other, we’ll be just fine.

Chapter 38


Emilia is on edge as I carry her luggage to my car. I know she’s having second thoughts yet again, and I’m hoping she won’t change her mind at the last second. I’ve had to convince her to come to the summer cabin about a thousand times now. She hasn’t missed a trip in years, so why should she start now?

Kate glares at Emilia’s luggage in dismay and walks to Dad’s car, slamming the door. Emilia and Kate have barely spoken in two weeks now. No matter what Emilia tried, all that’s been coming out of Kate’s mouth has been pure venom. I haven’t been spared either, but I don’t care as much as Emilia does.

She stares at Dad’s car with such a sad expression that I’m wondering if it might’ve been better if she and I both just stayed here. Dad and John walk up to us, and I stare at John with raised brows. Why the hell is he carrying luggage?

He grins at me and throws his bag at me. “Thought I’d finally join for once,” he says. “Your Dad has been inviting me for years. Besides, heard you’re taking two cars this year, anyway.”

I blink at him in disbelief. He hasn’t explicitly said that he doesn’t like me, and until I started dating Emilia I never once felt like he didn’t. Yet these days he’s always popping up everywhere, unwanted. So long as he’s home, there’s not a chance of me seeing Emilia. I was hoping we could spend some nights together over the summer, but she doesn’t want to come over thanks to Kate, and John has banned me from his house when he’s not present. Since I’m planning on spending the rest of my life with Emilia, I don’t really want to cross my future father-in-law by disobeying his rules. I haven’t had much alone time with my Minx at all. I was really looking forward to finally sharing a room with her, but I have a feeling that won’t happen now.

John walks over to the passenger side of the car and I freeze. I’d been planning on holding Emilia’s hand while driving and singing dumb songs with her at the top of our lungs. Guess that’s not happening either.

Emilia sees my crestfallen expression and bursts out laughing. She rises to her tiptoes and presses a quick, sly kiss to my lips. I grab her and pull her back, kissing her properly. She pulls back with a mischievous smile. “I miss you,” I whisper. “You’re right here, yet it feels like we’ve barely spent any time together.”

She nods and grabs my hand. “I know, babe. Hopefully, we’ll be able to spend some time together at the cabin.”

I glance back at my car and grimace. “Not with your dad there, we won’t.”

Emilia chuckles and presses another kiss to my cheek. “We’ll find a way,” she whispers.

I’m tense as I get into the car. I want Emilia sitting next to me, not in the back. She winks at me from the mirror and I inhale deeply. I’ve played football games with thousands of spectators, yet now I’m suddenly nervous sitting here next to John — the same guy I’ve known almost all my life.

He fiddles with the music for the first couple of minutes, touching every single button he can get his hands on. I have a feeling he’s doing it to wind me up, but I honestly couldn’t care less about the music.

“So, Carter,” he says eventually. I tighten my grip on the steering wheel and glance at him. “What are you planning on doing after college? You going pro?”

I shake my head. “No, I don’t think so. I obviously have high hopes, but realistically I know my chances aren’t that high.”

“So what are you going to do?”

I glance at him nervously. “I told you about the company Asher and I are building, right? I’ll probably be doing that full-time. We’re looking to end up in Silicon Valley.”