I stare at him because he knows I liked it. I loved sucking two cocks at once, and it was so naughty and wrong knowing that the two cocks were a mutation. Am I sick? Am I one of those girls who likes alien romance and monster porn? I’ve never read that kind of stuff before, but hell, maybe I should.

“I did like it,” I admit in a low voice. “But a family trait? What do you mean?”

Ragnar shrugs, totally unbothered.

“Men of the Lysenian royal family often have two dicks. Not all the time, mind you, but a lot of the time. It’s a dominant trait, and as far as I’m aware, the male members of the family that I know all have it.”

I stare at him.

“But how did it come about?”

Ragnar shrugs again, his handsome face calm.

“We don’t know exactly. There are rumors that it’s from inbreeding, but I don’t know about that. Sure, we were somewhat inbred in the seventeenth century, but as far as I know, for hundreds of years there hasn’t been anyone marrying their sisters or cousins. But yeah, there’s a legend that the male line is descended from a mighty dragon that had two dicks. It happens in the animal kingdom, you know. There are mammals out there that have two penises, and my family just happens to have this mutation.”

I stare at him, my jaw on the ground.

“Holy hell. Do people in Lysenia know?”

Ragnar shrugs again.

“I’m not sure. There have always been rumors, but it’s not like every Tom, Dick and Harry gets to look at my dick. And my brother and I don’t flaunt it either. I always put my girls through the ringer first, as you’ve experienced with Mizhir and Rizza, and my brother? Well, let’s just say Haakon is a sick fuck. I don’t want to get into it but he makes sure his business stays private.”

I gape at the handsome prince.

“So by putting girls through the ringer, you mean tying her up and having your servants train her ass and cunt.”

Ragnar nods, his blue eyes gleaming.

“That’s right, Ali, and I have to say that you passed with flying colors. A lot of girls can’t do it, actually. They think they can handle double penetration, but when they get a load of Mizhir and Rizza, suddenly, they get scared. I don’t blame them. You’re what, Rizza? Nine inches?”

“Ten uncut, my liege,” the handsome bodyguard growls.

“As am I,” adds Mizhir with a crafty grin. “You took twenty inches like a pro, Ali. We were impressed.”

That’s when I sit up to stare at these men. This is just so crazy and I don’t even know what to think. The prince and his henchmen have basically admitted to every crime I’ve accused them of, and don’t seem bothered by it either. Is it diplomatic immunity? Or something more nefarious? Surely, the United States government wouldn’t put up with such abhorrent behavior.

But Ragnar reads my mind.

“Oh the authorities don’t care, honey,” he drawls. “They don’t know what we’re doing exactly, but so what if we like our girls stuffed full in all her holes? There’s nothing criminal about being a little kinky and strange.”

I consider my options. I’m still nude on Ragnar’s lap, with the prince’s handsome, hard frame holding me close. His bodyguards lean towards me as well, their obsidian eyes seeing everything.

“You liked it, Ali,” Mizhir reminds me in a gentle voice. “There’s no denying it.”

“You want more of it too,” Rizza rasps. “And we’re the only ones who can give you more.”

Suddenly, I know they’re right because even if this situation is depraved, where will I ever experience this again? Even the best BDSM dungeon in Chicago wouldn’t be able to match this level of debauchery. So I wiggle my hips a bit, making Ragnar groan, and smile invitingly at the handsome men.

“You’re right, I do like it,” I acknowledge in a saucy murmur. “So why don’t we have some fun?” I ask with lights dancing in my eyes while pulling the quilt down one shoulder to expose a big, bouncy breast. “Come on, boys. Let’s enjoy it while it lasts.”

Immediately, the three men advance, their gazes hungry and bodies rigid. After all, I’m giving them everything … but what they don’t realize is that I plan on draining them dry to the last drop.



Fuck, Ali has no idea how sexy is she. She’s currently twisting and moaning on the huge king-size bed, her creamy curves nude and available. My fellow Lysenian, Rizza, takes advantage of her lushness and gently pulls her ankles apart before staring at the glistening pink flesh between her thighs.