Page 60 of Sugar Rush

He tipped up my chin with a gentle hand.“You know what else is well made?Your mouth.”And he kissed me, soft and gentle.

I smiled against his lips.“That is the worst pickup line in the actual world, Callahan.”

He kissed me again.“It seems to be working, though, doesn’t it?”

“You’re making a lot of good points today.Can’t argue with ‘em.”

He chuckled, and he kissed me again.I was dizzy with need for this man.He set every nerve inside me alight.What was I going to do when I was half a world away from him?

Was I on the rebound?I must have been, right?I couldn’t possibly feelthisintense about someone I’d only known for a short while.

It felt like longer.

I should have had whiplash from the speed of all this.But he made it so easy.He was easy to be with, like slipping on a comfy t-shirt.

Only the t-shirt filled me with unspeakable yearning.

All this from a single kiss.If we got any further, I’d combust.

I settled against him as we watched the remainder of the game.Afterwards, the kids played tag and then split into little groups to mainline snacks and watch videos, or whatever kids were into these days, on their phones.The adults cracked open a few beers.Rick got me a Coke from a nearby ice bucket.

“You ever make out under the bleachers, or whatever your UK equivalent is?”

“Snogging behind the bike sheds.Nowhere near as cool.”I looked up at him from my position, with my head on his shoulder.“I can’t very well go back to England without making out under some bleachers.It would mean that my favorite singer has taught me nothing.”

He chuckled, stood, and tugged me gently by the hand.“Far be it from me not to enrich your visit to the United States of America.”

“A crime,” I agreed.“I never did, by the way.”

Rick paused mid-step to glance back at me.“Never did what?”

“Snog anyone behind the bike sheds.”

He raised a brow.“Because all the boys in your school were blind?”

I felt warmth creep up my neck at the compliment.“I had a lazy eye, so I had to wear correctional glasses for a couple of years.That sort of thing doesn’t exactly score you a fleet of boyfriends.”

Rick sent me a sympathetic look.“I had braces.But didn’t we both get glow ups?”

I had to laugh at his self-confidence.It was warranted, though.He was gorgeous as hell.

“I had an eye patch, briefly, too,” I added.“Because the glasses didn’t work.”

He smiled.“Well, now Iknowthe boys in your school were idiots.Pirate girl?Hot.”

“I can’t tell you how good you are for my pride.”

“Honey, I could be good for lots of things.”

I laughed as he led me behind the bleachers, the wood charmingly sun-weathered.It was cooler here, the sound of the kids playing and the music a little muted.It reminded me of the willow tree in my grandma’s garden that I used to retreat to if I wanted to be alone.Its leaves saved me from mortal embarrassment should I have been discovered writing about boys on the lined pages of my discount store faux fur diary, complete with shitty plastic padlock.

“Take a lot of girls here, do you?”

“Not for a long time, actually.”The surprise must have shown on my face because he added, “When I was in the Army, it would have sucked to make someone wait for me back home.”

“Still.You must have been beating them off with a stick.”

He smiled slightly, his eyes warm.“Agentlemannever kisses and tells.Anyway.”He settled his hands on my hips and tugged me close, shadows from the hard lines of the bleachers casting grays and yellows over his handsome face.“Less telling.More kissing.”