Aryana stared at my father in shock. I also looked at my father in concealed interest. What happened in her past that she wouldn't get rid of my child?

The staring match continued until Aryana admitted defeat and slumped in her seat. She looked resigned to her fate, and I felt sympathetic toward her.

"I won't."

My father nodded, pleased with her decision.

"So what now? What about my degree, my life?" She asked with a sullen expression.

"Do not worry about that. We will sort everything out." My father replied.

"Can I know where you're carting me off to?" She requested.

"Unfortunately, you cannot. All you need to know is that you will be safe, and with my son at your side, nothing will happen to you." I kept quiet as my father assured Aryana.

Aryana sighed and stood up. My father gestured for two of his men to guide Aryana out of the room to where she would be staying. I stayed behind, wanting to talk to my father and convince him not to send me away. My father then dismissed his remaining subordinates, leaving only the two of us.

"You and Aryana need to leave as soon as possible." My father stated in a calm manner

"I will not run away from this war like a coward." I disagreed.

"You're not running away from this war, and neither are you a coward,mio figlio,my child."

"Then don't send me away," I responded.

"And what about your woman and child?" My father raised an eyebrow at me.

"She is not my woman." I bit out with my hands clenched into fists.

"Yet she is the mother of your child."

I bit my lower lip in agitation and annoyance.

"I did not ask her to be. " I muttered under my breath, but my father heard me.

"Then you should have used protection or not slept with her!" My father sharply reprimanded me.

"She assured me that it was okay. I was going to get a-"

"Then you should have insisted instead of allowing your lust to cloud your reasoning." My father cut me off. "Alexander, I have taught you many things in our business. I have always told you never to let your guard down and always stay on alert. I've also told you always to be prepared and never be careless. Using such a petty excuse that she said it was okay is not a good enough reason. I taught you better than to throw the blame on a woman. I expected better from you."

I lowered my head in defeat. I would lie if I said my father's last sentence didn't hurt me. I hated disappointing my father.

"I've always taught you to be an honorable man, and now you don't want to take responsibility for your actions?"

"I will take responsibility for my actions, but I will not leave you and our family in our time of need," I interjected. Why couldn't this stubborn man understand where I was coming from?

"And what about your woman?" My father asked.

My jaw throbbed with how much force I had to use to stop myself from rejecting her as "my" woman.

"She can go to the hideout by herself. I am needed here."

"Alexander. I did not raise you to abandon the mother of your child." By the tone of his voice, I could tell that my father was exasperated with me.

"Mio figlio,do not be stubborn. Everything will be fine here. Just take care of your family. You do not want to disappoint me, do you?"

Damn, it. Of course, my father would play on my feelings. He knew how much I detested disappointing him.