Disgusting. And I was not the only one who was disgusted. My men in the room were just as revolted on hearing Alfonso confess his sins.

“Sei disgust so!” I couldn’t believe this man was someone my father had once trusted. Hearing his warped logic to justify himself made me want to end him once and for all.

Having found out the truth, there was no point in delaying matters. The only reason why Tom had been so successful in beating us down was because of Alfonso. Without Alfonso, what power did Tom have? Tom was already in a tight corner, and seeing how desperate he was to have sent Alfonso to kidnap Aryana, I could sense the end of this pointless war coming to a head.

“I should kill you for your betrayal and send you on your way to meet my father, where you will spend your afterlife begging him for forgiveness, but I won’t. Not yet. What you’re going to do now is, you are going to tell Tom that you have Aryana, and he should meet you where we tell you to say. Do you understand?”

The resignation was written all over Alfonso’s face. He knew he was done for. He had sealed his fate the day he decided to betray my family.

“Are you sure it’ll be fine?” Aryana pulled me aside and asked. “What if he-”

“Nothing will happen, I promise you.” I comforted her. “This will be the end, and we’ll finally be free. If it makes you feel better, I’ll go with several men. Nothing will happen,mio tesoro.”

Aryana’s eyes widened before pooling up with tears. It was then that I realized it was the first time I called her my treasure since I confessed to her. She wrapped her arms around me as she tried to control herself.

“Make sure you come back to me, okay?”

“I will,” I whispered before sadly removing myself from her arms and kissing her forehead.

It was time to end this.

We watched Alfonso make the call in our presence and got ready to set off. This confrontation was going to mark the end of this war.

I took several men with me, and with Alfonso tied up, so he wouldn’t do anything, we set off for the location where we would finally end things. The place was an empty, deserted warehouse on the city's outskirts. It was far enough from civilization that whatever went down wouldn’t be heard.

When we got there, I untied Alfonso, and with a gun pointed at his back, I gestured for him to walk. When we got inside, we dispersed, hiding behind stacked crates and large pillars.

“You know what to do.” I wordlessly threatened him, pulling the safety lock off my gun and allowing the sound to resound in the space. Then, I left him and hid behind a stack of crates.

We didn’t have to wait long before Tom arrived; just like I expected, he didn’t come alone. Following behind him were ten men, but I wasn’t relieved. I didn’t know if there were more waiting outside. Thankfully, I had brought thirty men.

“Where is the girl?” Tom’s deep, raspy voice demanded.

“You didn’t say you were going to bring company.” Alfonso calmly responded.

“Cut the crap,tu vecchio!Where is she?” Tom shouted. “She’s not here, is she?Fottuto bastardo.”

“It’s over, Tom. They found out the truth.”

“Inutile! They must be here! Shoot him! Shoot all of them!Uccidili tutti!”

Since we had been found out, there was no point in delaying matters. I cocked my gun and fired it at Alfonso’s head. There was no need for him anymore. Alfonso’s death gave Tom and his men a general idea of our location, and they didn’t hesitate to start shooting.

It was chaos.

It was like a rain of bullets as everyone scrambled for cover. Bullets were flying everywhere as they tried to knock down their targets. I could see men from both sides falling to the ground, never rising again, while others were injured and hurried to take shelter.

I raised my gun and fired two bullets at one of Tom’s men, who had been aiming at Tony. I kept my eye out, firing at whoever came into my line of sight while keeping myself hidden. When I had killed off another one of Tom’s men, I caught the eye of Tom himself, and just as I saw him, he saw me.

Our eyes were locked on each other. We didn’t care about our surroundings again.

Gunshots rang out.

If I had been a fraction of a second slower, a bullet would have buried itself in my head, but I was not one to be outdone. It was as if we were engaged in a dance. We were aiming and firing at each other while simultaneously dodging stray bullets. I didn’t want to admit it, but Tom was quite skilled.

I glanced to my side and saw one of our enemies about to shoot Marcelo, whose attention was elsewhere.

Watch yourself!" I shouted and tugged Marcelo down by his belt. He collapsed backward, ankles over his head and shoulder blades crammed against the ground, and a series of bullets, three in total, made a concentrated break in the pillar where Marcelo’s heart had been.