I knocked on the door and waited for my father to give me the clearance to enter.

“Si accomodi,come in”

I entered and saw my father sitting on his leather chair behind his desk. A small smile automatically appeared as I focused on the gray hairs that adorned my father's head. For a seventy-year-old man,mio padrestill looked vigorous.

My father was Luca Romano, Don of the Romano family, a man known for his honor despite our occupation. Even the Dons of the four families respected my father. My father was an honorable man who always kept his word. The other families never had to worry about my father going back on a deal. In his younger days, he was known as 'Trigger-finger Luca' according to what I was told as a child. My father had been hot-headed and quick to anger in his youth, but now, he was calmer, although he still had the edge and sharpness of a demon. I could always see it in his eyes.

I loved my father with all my heart. I never met my mother as she had died when giving birth to me. For thirty-five years, my father raised me by himself. I would do anything for my father. It was one of the reasons I was filled with hatred toward Tommy Saconne for declaring war against my family for no reason and putting a huge burden on my father's shoulders.

I didn't bother to look at the other occupant in the room. My whole attention was placed on my father.

"Alexander." My father called my name sharply.

"Padre," I responded in our mother tongue.

I was confused by the anger in his eyes. What happened? Why was my father angry? And why did it seem as if he was mad at me?

I heard a small gasp which seemed loud in the silence of my father's office. My eyes involuntarily followed where the sound came from, and to say I was stunned was an understatement. Standing in front of me with her golden-brown hair shining brightly under the light and her sea-green eyes also staring at me in unconcealed shock was Aryana herself. The woman I slept with two months ago. The same woman who I still randomly fantasized about. The same woman who foolishly gave me her name that I still thought about at times. That woman was in front of me, sitting before my father.

"I see that you recognize her." My father's angry-filled voice cut through my mind's shocked fog.

"Yes, father," I answered, tearing my gaze away from her face and looking upon my father, who looked at me with a mixture of anger and disappointment which sent a pang through my heart. I never liked my father being disappointed in me. Seeing his facial expression soften, I didn't know how to react as he looked at Aryana instead.

"What is going on?" I asked, unable to stand this odd tension.

I regretted speaking up when my father directed his gray eyes at me. For a moment, I could see that demon's edge in his eyes, the edge that once terrified everyone when he was younger.


My eyes widened as he called me a fool.

"How could you make such a low-level mistake, especially in the situation we're in."

I didn't understand what my father was saying. I looked at Aryana, who was looking uncomfortable. I couldn't find it within myself to feel sorry for her as I didn't know what she had told my father that made him react like this.

"Don't look at her as if this is her fault. You're the one that slept with her!"

Again, my father's words didn't do anything to explain what was going on. I didn't see the big deal with whom I slept with. My father had never had an issue with it, so why was it suddenly a problem now? Was it because of the war between our family and the Saconnes? Was that the issue?

"I do not care whom you sleep with, but could you think of our situation before committing such a mistake?" My father continued to berate me.

As much as I loved my father, It was increasingly getting hard not to be pissed off at how he was berating me in front of the woman, who had caused whatever this was. Granted that I had never seen my father this disappointed and angry at me, he could still speak to me normally and tell me what I had done. As my father continued rebuking me, I had enough.

"What have I done to have you keep insulting me in front of an outsider?" I asked through gritted teeth, still trying to maintain respect for my beloved padre.

"Well, she won't be an outsider for much longer." He said in a low tone.

I narrowed my eyes. "What do you mean?" I turned my attention to Aryana, who looked at me with unease.

"Alexander." I turned back to my father. "I have always told you that I do not and will not care about whomever you sleep with as long as they won't endanger our family, but you must ensure you always use protection."

My body froze. It was as if cold water had been dunked on me. Trepidation ran up my spine as the implication of what he was saying was slowly dawning on me.

My father seemed to see that I was slowly figuring it out before he opened his mouth and hammered the final nail in the coffin.

"She is pregnant, Alexander."

My eyes darted between my father and Aryana, and I did the only thing I could do in this situation. I swore.