"Oh, my God." I grip her arm so hard that she jumps a little. "Mandi. I almost cried at lunch with my mother."

She blinks. "Oh. Okay…?”

"No, I almostfucking cried.I don’t do that. I wouldn't just get emotional out of the blue like that." I swallow. "Oh, God. Do you have a test somewhere?"

As it turns out, she does. Mandi waits outside while I pee on the damn stick and then pace and pace and try to keep myself from freaking out. But then I check the pregnancy test and couldn't seem to move.

"Giules? Earth to Giulia. Can I come in now?"

Two lines. Two very positive lines.

The first thought that flashes through my head is the same thing I envisioned earlier—Roberto laughing and playing with the most gorgeous baby, his smile lighting up the world with warmth.

I want that.

But my next thoughts shatter that.He's a Giovanni. You're a Russo.

"Um. Giules? Hello?" Mandi sings in the background.

I can't live in a dream. If the Five Families found out about this right now, while we're trying to get this newVitalendeal going forward, it could jeopardize it all. Everything we've been working for—not to mention this would impact everything I've ever worked for, period. It's not something my family would overlook. They would want to be rid of this entire complication right away.

But my baby isn't a fucking complication.

The sentiment is so sudden and fierce that it makes me swallow back more emotion. But it's true. I might not know how to proceed, but I know one thing standing here while the rest of my carefully composed world falls apart: I'm keeping this baby and it a secret.

Especially from Roberto.

He can't know. It hurts my heart, but he can't. I have no idea what he's thinking about the future of our relationship, but in his mind, our secret trysts probably wouldn't extend past the next couple of months while we worked together as representatives. He likes to tease me to get reactions, and he's incredible in bed and all aboutfun.

This would change his entire world the same way it just changed mine. His family would want to get rid of the baby, too. Hell, he might be on board with them—and I absolutely refuse to find out if that would ever happen.

No. This baby is mine, and I'm not telling a soul.

Except for the one standing outside who has taken to pounding on the door and chanting, "Let me in. Let me in. Let me—"

I open the door and sniffle. "I'm pregnant, and I'm keeping it."

Her face transforms immediately. My best friend is over the moon. "Really? Holy shitballs. Oh, my freaking hell! You'll be the most insanely incredible mother, Giules—and I will be there for you no matter what!"

She throws her arms around me in the tightest hug ever, and I hug her back. I can do this. I have all the moral support I could need right here.

"You can't tell anyone," I say quietly, sniffling again and wiping away a tear as I pull back.

"I swear I won't breathe a word," Mandi declares, not a single ounce of joking in her. Then she purses her lips. "Are…are we still going to your party? Because I should probably warn you that, um…your baby daddy will be there."


No, this is good. This is the time to get it over with. I've already decided—I'm keeping the baby, and I won't complicate Roberto's life or give him a chance to break my heart by telling me he doesn't want it. So it doesn't matter how perfect the last two days have been with our secret in full bloom.

Now, it's time to break everything between us off. Time to go back to being the Ice Queen Bitch, because I have my own new future that I will protect at all costs.

Chapter 19


Marcusisusuallymuchmore fun at parties. I mean, he's nome,but he clearly has a stick up his ass today because he's sitting in the corner of the rented-out bar and is scowling at everyone but Bruno and me.

Of course, I'm not much interested in this scene either. It's not void of fun but hardly what I came for. People in very nice clothes are chatting and laughing all around. Some I recognize very vaguely as having connections with either the Russos or other mafioso families, but many seem to be old college friends of Giulia's or simply acquaintances from work or elsewhere.