I begin kissing down her throat, but Giulia places a firm hand on my chest to push me away and regards me with a furrowed brow. “You nearly died from it. Tell me what happened.”

Can’t argue with the nearly dying part. I sigh because she’s got that stubborn look in her eye and is too immovable by nature for me to convince her just to let it go. Besides, telling her this might give her some reason to think I’m not always recklessly violent like most people think. Not since it nearly cost me a loved one.

“I was fourteen. Old enough to have seen some pretty serious shit go down in my family but still young enough to think I was untouchable as the Don’s son—obviously, I was an idiot. My older brother warned me that things were tense with a gang in the Chicago area. Not mafiosos with a code or a family to be loyal to, just thugs. He told me to stay away from a certain area until things cooled. I…” I shrug. “I decided to take it as a personal challenge, but I didn’t keep it personal. I brought my cousin with me. Marcus.”

She studies me as I speak, reaching up absentmindedly to adjust my hair as if she doesn’t realize she’s trying to straighten things out as she listens. It’s an adorable tick of hers that I don’t think anyone has pointed out to her.

“Marcus was twelve. We were goofing off at night in that area, on a street where most of the streetlamps had been smashed by gang members. I don’t remember what we were talking about, but he asked if it was okay to be out here. He wanted to go home, and I called him a wimp. Then a couple of those gang members happened to spot us there and pretty much beat the shit out of us. Of course, they did—we were kids. I finally knocked one out, but the other pulled a gun on Marcus. I took the hit while tackling him out of the way.”

Giulia sits up; face pinched as she listens to the story. “You saved his life.”

“I had to—he was only in danger because I was a fucking moron who thought I was invincible.” I rub that scar on my shoulder. I can still remember how it throbbed and went numb simultaneously. “The thug took off when the police noticed and headed our way. I almost bled out under the street lamp Marcus dragged me to, but they got me to a hospital once they found us. Chalked it up to gang violence because they didn’t know we were part of the Giovannis.”

“Did your family ever get the men who attacked you two?”

I shrug. “Maybe. I don’t remember—the recovery took a while. My near-death freaked my dad out since he’d lost my mom not long before. I think he and the rest of the family expected the ordeal to make me start listening to the rules, but it just pissed me the hell off and made me protective of my loved ones.” Then I give her a serious look because I feel this is important for her to understand. “I like to cause fun chaos when I get bored. Usually, it’s fighting. But I don’t ever put the people I love in real danger. I don’t play around with lives.”

She nods thoughtfully, her fingers trailing from my hair to my face. I shut my eyes as she traces down my cheeks, jaw, and nose until she pulls me back down for a kiss so sweet, I’d gladly pick it as dessert for the rest of my life.

I’m immediately rock hard again when her lips leave mine long enough for her to lick the scar on my shoulder. She whispers, “I still get to kiss all your scars better sometime, Roberto. You said I could. But right now, I want you in me.”

Fuck, yes.

I kiss her ravenously as we tangle in the sheets, gasping and rubbing against one another’s nakedness until I fish another condom from my wallet on the nightstand, getting it on in record time. I finally push into her and hiss with pleasure at the sensation. She moans and bites her lip, her eyes shutting even as I hungrily watch every expression of pleasure that crosses her face as I pick up the pace.

Her legs curl around me, and she arches her back, giving me access to her breasts. I oblige immediately, licking and teasing around her nipples. I slam into her, the heat building between us until it’s almost suffocating how good everything feels.

“Fuck, Giulia,” I groan, pressing her into the bed to fuck her harder.

She gasps my name and buries her face against my neck before crying out, and I feel her clench around me so tight I can’t hold back anymore. I swear and bury myself deep, rocking slightly as pleasure explodes through my body.

She falls back against her pillow until I twist her to curl her back against my front, trying to catch my breath as I pull her tightly to me.

“God. We should do that every morning,” she laughs breathlessly and sighs contentedly.

“Hell, yes. Every single fucking morning.”

I kiss a love bite I left on her shoulder yesterday night, and she giggles. The sound of it is absolutely addicting and so rare that it’s like the most satisfying little gift that makes me grin. For a long moment, we stay like that, warm and contented and completely perfect together.

As I said. I want more of these moments, and thanks to her unexpected but completely wanted proposal to go along with our secret relationship, I will make sure I get them. And Giulia needs this, too. It’ll help her not work herself to death.

“I need to go to work,” she sighs.

Damn it. “No. Stay.”

“Can’t tell me what to do,” she reminds me as she rises and showers.

She gets ready quicker than I expected and just gives me a severe look when I suggest that I hop in the Uber with her to her office, still trying to tame her beautiful cascading curls as she scowls at the mirror in the big, luxurious hotel room.

“Nobody can know about us, Giovanni. Keep that in mind. Mess up, and I’ll knee you in the balls again.”

I laugh. “Is that always your go-to?”

She smirks as she turns to me, ignoring that I’m naked and hard as I sit on the bed watching her. “No. Actually, I usually like to break bones as a threat. Whether it’s my brother’s enforcers or me doing it.”

“You’re such a tease. Seriously, I need to see that sometime.”

“Mess up, and you’ll see it much sooner.” Then she huffs and adjusts her skirt a little, giving me a dark look. “For example, if you rip another pair of my panties off. It was hot last night, but this morning? Not so much. Now I have to walk around secretly not wearing underwear at the office, sitting my bare ass all over my office chair.”