Larry smiles. "Wrong. We did. Because our society is careful about how we interact with world powers, including governments. But we need to create a true change somewhere, and the best way to get started is if the Five Families are on board. No matter their differences. This is possible because the profits fromVitalenare quite shareable and ensures your reputation will evolve into something positive. It's a win-win for everyone."

Russo sits up in his chair, eyes narrowed as he examines the two men in suits. "Hang on. State powers. A mysterious secret society trying to incite lasting change without involving the government… You're the fucking Illuminati."

The other Dons in the room, including myself, understand exactly what Russo means, and we all look at Larry. He glances at the man standing behind him, slightly leaning back in his seat and shrugging. "What did I tell you? They're perceptive."

Shit. This is real. I whistle and raise my eyebrows. "I wondered why you didn't just take your 'non-harmful' magical drug right to the FDA. Guess this makes some sense."

"The FDA can't approve a drug that would crash the pharmaceutical industry and several others if it got out. We've looked at this from many angles, believe me. This is best Done under the table, utilizing the existing underground framework that your families afford. It's the efficient and most long-lasting way of gettingVitalenout without the higher-ups halting it completely."

"You think it would crash the entire pharmaceutical industry?" the Giovanni beside me repeats. "What exactly doesVitalendo? And don’t go spewing bullshit. Keep it short and honest if you know what's good for you."

Larry seems amused by the mafioso's irritated tone but shrugs.

"Increases cell regeneration beyond anything else available in any market today. Extends longevity by years. Boosts the immune system to stop sickness and protect against future illnesses, repairs autoimmune diseases, assists with brain function…I could go on. Gentlemen,Vitalenis not the miracle cure to everything, but in the hands of the public, it will certainly feel like it."

"Can you substantiate all these claims?" Alessandro checks.

"We can. We've been studying it for long enough to understand it better than many drugs the FDA throws out at the masses every year. If you really want to know, another reason we wouldn't let them near this is thatVitalenis not a medicine. It is still a drug. The primary side effect is reliance on the substance, bordering on addiction. Something I'm sure you mafiosos can understand is—"

"Profitable," Russo cuts him off, narrowing his eyes. "Veryprofitable, by the sound of it."

"Indeed. So what do you say, gentlemen? Want to change the future of the mafia—and the world—from the ground up?" Larry asks casually, adjusting his navy tie yet again.

All the men around the table, including myself, consider this for a long moment. Nico Attolini glances at Alessandro, who meets my eye. I glance to my left, where the California Russo is mulling things over.

I thought we were all more or less on the same page and ready to agree, but to my right, Anthony Giovanni mutters, "Change the world from the ground up is a noble aspiration, but you won't be able to do it with a fuckingRussoon board."

Damn. I'd forgotten about their little feud.

Not so little, really. I'm abruptly aware that I'm right in-between two glaring mafiosos who would love to rip each other to shreds. I've been aware of the feud between the Russos and the Giovannis for a long time, ever since my father told me what a pain in the ass it was to ever play middleman between the two powerful families, but the fervor in Antonio Russo's growl to my left only proves it.

"The only change you'll bring about working with a fucking Giovanni will be ten times more negative than the reputation of the mafia already is. They'll ruin this or find a way to stab us all in the back."

"Russos disgrace everything a family should stand for," Giovanni spits. "Prancing around and flashing money all over California and the rest of the world. You'll all—"

"That's quite enough," Larry interrupts, showing me he's been holding back until now, putting on a pleasant tone when he can muster a respectable amount of growl. He looks between the two of them, eyes hard. "The cooperation ofall fivefamilies is non-negotiable, no matter the past slights between them. This is an opportunity, unlike anything you've ever seen. Creating a new future and name is bigger than this pettiness."

It's like watching a principal chastise two schoolboys. Only those two schoolboys are made of muscle and deadly experience, glaring at each other over my head. I've ducked down into my chair to get out of the way of their shit.

I glance at Larry. "Are we supposed to pick representatives to get the ball rolling? Because I'm in."

"The Attolini family is in as well," Nico quickly follows.

The others agree, but the Russo and the Giovanni stare off momentarily before both begrudgingly agree.

"Excellent," Larry says, sounding genuinely pleased even as his gaze flicks to the opposing mafiosos one last time. "Yes, you'll all need to pick representatives who will work with the other families to get connections and the drug out there. I suggest the Russos and the Giovannis find the best, mostdiplomaticrepresentatives you have. This will change everything, and your differences shouldn't taint it."

They both grunt unhappily in agreement, but I shake my head.

God. Getting these two families to work together will take a miracle. I don’t envy whatever representatives they choose.

Chapter 1


Icouldwritethisguy's lines in my sleep.

Actually, I could write the entire script for this sad excuse of a date, timed down to the same cues for where I'm supposed to nod or raise my eyebrows as if anything he's saying surprises me.