Page 92 of Deceitful Lies

I reach to grab her shoulder, but Sonya shoves me away. I lose my balance and desperately grab for something to keep me from falling down the front stairs. But the surface is too slick from the rain. I can’t catch myself, and the concrete races up toward my face as I scream.

Sonya doesn’t turn back. She jumps into her car, and the tires spin wildly as it flies out of the gate.

I hold my stomach, wincing from the pain. I hold onto the bump that’s barely started to show. I try to roll onto my side, but a sharp, jabbing pain prevents me. It hurts too much to move.

I cry out in pain, wondering if my baby is okay.

The open door attracts Vanya, and he calls out for help. Soon, I’m surrounded by hands on me as they try to help me up. I wince as I’m lifted to my feet and into a nearby Rover.

Andrei returns. He holds my hand and shouts at the guards. They try to calm him, but he lashes out, threatening to shoot them all if I’m hurt.

Dmitri calls him, and they get into the front seat. The storm passes, and I listen to the rain tap the roof as the Rover drives into Two Rivers.

I regret my decision to stay. I held out for hope, but it never came. If anything, everything is worse. I try to make peace with what has happened to me.

Sonya’s words echo in my head.He does something unspeakable, but you make excuses so you have to stay.

She’s right. I’ve been a fool this entire time. I’ve spent all this time looking for a silver lining in every darkest cloud.

And now, I might lose my baby because of it.

As the Rover drives up to the ER, I pray softly and make a solemn promise.

If my baby survives, I will leave Andrei and never look back.



I have to sit down on the couch when I hear the insane news. “He shot IgorandEva?”

Sonya nods, drinking down a glass of white wine in the living room. She pulls the faux fur throw tighter around her shoulders as she sinks deeper into the armchair. Tears leave long black tracks down her flushed cheeks, and I stare at her as if she’s making it up.

But it’s almost dawn, and Igor hasn’t returned to his house yet.

He convinced me not to hold the girl at my house. He was certain Andrei would rescue her easily from there. He claims it’s because Andrei knows the layout to my house like he knows his own. But I know the real reason: Igor was afraid I’d torture the brat for kicks because I hate her sister.

He’s not wrong. But I’m not a monster.

“And you’re sure they’re dead?” I ask, eyeing her sternly.

“Stop asking me that.” Sonya hiccups and then scowls hatefully. “I saw it happen with my own eyes. They’re dead. He shot them.”

Valeri Kozlov places his hand on my shoulder, and I look into his smirky gaze.

Silently, he tells me to back off. He grins at Sonya and takes the empty wineglass out of her hand and replaces it with another one that is full to the rim. “You’re safe here, Sonya Vasileyvna.”

“Igorovna,” she stares daggers at him. “It’s Sonya Igorovna. I’mnotVasily’s child.”

I’m not quick enough to keep my mouth from falling open.

Igorovna? Igor Karamazov is—was—her father?

I exchange a quick glance with Valeri and reach out, removing the wineglass from Sonya’s hand. I need her to tell me more before she drinks herself asleep.

“You can stay here.” I sit down on the ottoman beside her, placing my hand on her knee. “It is your right as Igor’s only child that you stay in his house.”

Sonya takes the glass off the coffee table and takes a sip. “They confessed, and then Andrei shot them dead.”