Page 60 of Deceitful Lies

I told Andrei the truth the day after. The look on his face made me stutter out a lame reason for not saying anything sooner. Andrei quizzed me on everything she did, and then he quizzed everyone else. I didn’t want to repeat the horrible things she said. But I’m not allowed to storm off and refuse to speak. Andrei knows everything, while I’m kept guessing.

The hurt floods into me, ruining my happiness. Why did Talia ruin it for me? Saying those things that I had only thought about. Saying them aloud and making them real. Letting everyone hear. I had them fooled that my marriage was more than make-believe or a strategy. Every day, doubts pester my heart. A sane woman would’ve left long ago, but a woman in love can’t walk away. It’s not that easy anymore to run away. And Andrei knows it. Maybe the gifts are to soothe me and make me ignore what I want.

I am scared—too scared to ask for the one thing that would make me stay. Dangle a diamond in front of my eyes, and like a frivolous toy dog, he has me dazzled and entertained.

“Andrei, we have a call in the office at noon.” Dmitri leans against the open doorway. Though he makes me uncomfortable with his condescending looks, I was glad to see Dmitri return after that night. His left arm is still in a sling, and today, the sling matches his navy tie.

I casually walk over to Dmitri and look him in the eye. “You still haven’t told me how this happened.”

He laughs. “I told you, Paige. The women fight over me. They grab hold of me like a tug-of-war, pulling me this way and that until they almost tear me apart.”

Andrei steps between us. “Dmitri, you handle the call.”

“No, Andrei,” I tell him. “You can find me when you’re done. I want to check on my father.”

They watch me closely as I sashay out of the room, playing the game better than they think I can.


Andrei and I spend the rest of the day together, and I make a show of it. Paige, one, and crime, zero. But soon, I’m reminded that I haven’t won yet. We walk through the garden, holding hands, past the detached garage that sends a chill up my spine. The door is open, and it’s empty. Good. But I hear voices nearby.

When we round the corner of the building, Natasha stands talking to Emma while Viktor sits on a five-gallon bucket, his leg stretched out in front of him as he pretends that we don’t exist. Several yards away is a bright-colored target pinned against a tree with scorched bullet holes in it, and Emma holds a gun in her hand.

They’re going to turn her into one of them.

Andrei smiles. “How is she doing?”

Natasha places her hands on her hips, lifting her chin. “She is improving. Pretty soon, she’ll be able to shoot with one hand.”

Emma avoids my shocked gaze, but smiles sweetly at Andrei, the way she used to smile at Dad. “Thank you, Andrei.”

He nods, and then I realize he’s given my little sister her own gun. The black leather case is open on Viktor’s lap, and the black foam insert is empty where it held a gun. No doubt, the small box inside has an extra cartridge. Andrei tugs on my hand, pulling me quickly away. I stumble a little to keep up with him as he walks toward the maze. I haven’t seen Eva all day and don’t know where she’s hiding.

I tug back. “No, you promised to let me drive your car.”

He looks surprised but then smiles. “Of course. If you like it, I’ll get you one.”

I grimace with relief. “I actually would like a Mercedes.”

I force myself not to glance behind us. But my shoulders tighten, and my neck is tense thinking about my little sister and that gun. It bothers me, along with all the fucked-up secrets in this house.

“Don’t,” he says, reading my mind again.

“I won’t. I don’t want to spoil our day,” I reply stiffly. “I’ll wait until tonight.”

He pulls me into his arms, but I jump when I hear a shot go off. Andrei laughs as if Emma is playing with firecrackers. The hot midday sun is beating down on us, but I feel ice cold. He holds me tighter, as tight as that night, not letting me go as I thrash about in his arms.

“Let me go,” I hiss.

Andrei does, and I start to run, not knowing where I’m heading. I run until I reach the overgrown gate leading into the woods. I could climb it easily. I could make it to the Thruway. I could do what I should’ve done months ago. Go to the police and tell them what these people are doing here.

“Paige, stop.” His muscles tense as he holds me, keeping me from tumbling over the fence. “I thought we weren’t going to spoil today?” he asks.

“How kind of you to take some of the blame,” I reply coldly. I continue to flail until Andrei is forced to pull me down to the ground.

He tightly wraps his arms around me and whispers, “I won’t let anything happen to you, Paige.”

His warm breath is on my neck, and I relax in his strong arms. Andrei pulls away slightly so that I can look into his eyes. His gaze is sincere, as if he wants to chase my doubts away. He leans in closer, his lips a breath away from mine. I close my eyes, feeling lost as Andrei’s kiss deepens, and my head spins. My apprehension is clouded as I reach for him, our bodies pressing against one another. The air is filled with the sweet smell of damp earth from the woods while the leaves sway overhead. The stippled sunlight makes a whimsical pattern below that covers our bodies. Andrei’s gentle touch sends waves of ease through me, soothing every inch of me until my fears return, fighting with the feeling of safety in his arms.