“How do you know you’ll still like me in a year’s time?”

“Kathy,” Dylan shook his head. “Where are all of these thoughts coming from?”

I thought if I asked him more questions, it would push him over the edge. I expected him to get sick of my stupid questions and leave. Yet here he was still sitting right next to me after a long day at work. I was sure he’d be tired but he wanted to give me all his attention.

I stared at him, blank with confusion.

“Are you sick of my questions yet?”

“Well, Let’s just say I’d much rather be kissing you, but no. They’re important to you, so I’ll answer them,” he said casually.

“You mean that?” my voice softened.

“Yes, Kathy,” he replied. “I am fully committed to our relationship. I’m not going anywhere.”

My heart was full and his words ignited a powerful emotional reaction in me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He hugged me back, tighter.

“I love you,” I whispered, meaning every single word.

“I love you, too,” he replied.

And I believed him. Being him was like being at home, safe and secure.

“I’m never going to let you go,” I said and then kissed him.



“You ready?” Dylan grinned sitting across from me some thirty thousand feet up in the air on his private jet.

“I don’t know,” I replied.

Even though I had flown on his private jet many times now, there was something about it that I just didn’t get used to. We had recently celebrated one year together. One year together with a billionaire, and somehow, I still wasn’t fully used to all the luxury.

“You’re going to love it,” he smiled at me, taking a sip out of his bubbly champagne.

Dylan had flown me all over the world on this exact plane since we had been together. I had travelled to places I had never even dreamed of going to. Both of us loved to travel together. In a span of a year, we’d already made so many memories together.

Every day I discovered something new about Dylan. And in a way, about myself too. He treated me with respect and care, better than anyone else had in my entire life.

For my birthday this year, he decided to take me on a surprise trip.

“Can you at least give me a hint?” I begged, giving him my best puppy eyes.

“Nope,” a mischievous smirk danced on the edges of his lips. “You’re just going to have to wait, babe.”

In the beginning of our relationship, I had so many concerns about whether we would last. But as the days turned into weeks, then months, my concerns began to fade away. Dylan was patient and loving. When we did have an argument over some petty things, he never let me go to sleep without making it right. Though, we rarely fought.

But most of all, we were deeply in love.

I took his glass of champagne and set it aside. Then I sat on his lap looping my arms behind his neck.

“Can I convince you to tell me?” I trailed my fingers down the opening of his shirt collar.

“Mm,” he breathed in my scent, tightening his grip on my ass. “Depends on what you offer?”

I began to unbutton his shirt one at a time, slowly. One of the many perks of flying privately was that there was no one to bother you.