“I haven’t been ignoring you,” I tried to play innocent.

“Really?” he raised an eyebrow. “I called you three times tonight. You didn’t pick up once.”

“My phone was on silent,” I didn’t dare to meet his gaze, knowing that he’d call me out on my bluff instantly.

He walked us both over to the sofa and then sat me on his lap.

“Kathy,” he said, his voice low, “I know you’re lying to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Just hearing him speak to me in his low gentle voice was enough to melt away my defenses. When he was around me, my insecurities did not matter. I knew in my heart that he truly cared about me.

“Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to get it out of you?” he said, his tone hinted a playful threat.

When I hesitated to answer, he put his hands under my shirt and dug his fingers into the sides of my stomach. I exploded into uncontrollable laughter, trying to get his hands off me but it was no use. He had overpowered me in every way. He had me completely pinned down on the sofa, laughing like crazy and completely under his mercy.

“Okay, okay,” I finally conceded. “I’ll tell you.”

“That’s a good girl,” he said, finally ending his tickle assault and setting me down.

“Well, the truth is I guess being away from you left me with some unwanted thoughts.”

Suddenly, all traces of playfulness vanished from his expression, and he turned serious.

“Are you unhappy?” he asked, solemnly.

“No, no,” I blurted out. “Quite the opposite actually. I guess I’m a bittoohappy.”

“I’m confused,” he wrinkled his eyebrows. “Then what’s bothering you?”

I sighed, feeling embarrassed now.

“Dylan,” I said. “I just... do you think we are moving too fast?”

He blinked once. “What do you mean we’re moving too fast?”

“It’s only been two days since we’ve been together and we are already saying I love you to each other,” I said.

“And?” he retorted. “What’s the problem? Do you not believe that I love you?”

“It’s not that...” I trailed and then mumbled something incoherent under my breath.

“What was that?”

“It’s just that… I’m scared that you won’t love me for long,” I finally admitted the fear of losing him.

“Kathy,” Dylan turned to me, his expression unreadable. “That might just be the most ridiculous thing you have ever said to me.”

“Don’t you ever have doubts like that?” I asked. “After all, you were the one who was struggling to commit before.”

“That’s true. But I’m a man who takes his word seriously,” he scooted closer to me and took one of my hands into his own. “And I’ve decided that I want to be with you.”

Dylan was always the one to be sure of himself, and his decisions.

I gulped, trying to organize my own chaotic thoughts.

“What if...” I started, and he waited patiently for me to continue. “What if this relationship turns out to be toxic like my last one?”

“It’s not going to be,” he said, sounding so sure of himself once again. “You’re with a real man now.”