“Just shut up and kiss me right now!”
Chapter 23
“Please excuse me,” Kathy said to me before getting up and walking away. I opened my mouth to stop her, but no words came out. A part of me wanted to tell her to stay, and that she was right all along.
Wedidhave something between us. And that I, too, could not deny it. But every time the thought occurred to me my brain automatically pushed it back down.
Love was terrifying. I was not sure if I even believed in such a thing.
As I watched her walk away from me, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had just made the biggest mistake of my life. I was letting her walk away instead of letting her in.
Sometimes, I didn’t understand myself. I could not fully comprehend or justify why I was so afraid of love. Perhaps I was afraid one day I would turn into a monster like my dad, hurting and destroying the most important relationships in life.
It was time to drink my bitter feelings away.
The weekend was over and everyone had returned to the office. Life was once again back to the same routine, or seemingly so anyway.
I had messaged Kathy just to ask how she was doing. I had gotten some time to think about what she had said to me, and I realized that she probably deserved a better explanation from me. Despite my attempts at trying to reach her, there was radio silence from her end. She hadn’t even replied once.
I made a mental note of calling her into my office later in the day to talk to her in person.
As I walked into the office, my eyes scanned the room to find Kathy. It seemed that she hadn’t come in yet. But I found Kevin lingering near her desk. He had a huge grin on his face, as one of the other employees approached him. I stood behind one of the pillars, curious to know what they were discussing.
“What’s gotten you so happy today?” he asked.
“Oh, nothing special,” Kevin said. “I am just waiting for my girlfriend to come in.”
“Your girlfriend?” the employee laughed. “Imaginary, I presume?”
“No. Guess who hooked up with Kathy last weekend?” Kevin announced, smiling ear to ear.
“Hooked up? You slept with her?” the employee’s tone perked up.
“Well, no,” Kevin’s smile fell a little. “We kissed. Once. But I think we might get there tonight. I’m taking her out to dinner at this new Italian place called Eataly. I plan on pulling a few suave moves on her, and then take her straight to bed.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
The two men high-fived each other. I felt a blinding sense of rage take over me. Kathy and Kevin kissed. I thought I had thwarted any possibilities of them going on a date last weekend. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down. Otherwise, I was sure that I would not hesitate to punch a hole through Kevin’s skull if I saw him right now.
“I can’t wait for tonight,” Kevin continued to gloat.
I decided to step out from behind the pillar at that moment. The two men jumped upon seeing me.
“Dylan,” Kevin straightened up his posture immediately. “You’re in early today.”
“I do not pay you to stand around and talk about your personal lives,” I said through gritted teeth. “Get back to work immediately.”
“Oh, we were just…” Kevin tried to argue back but seeing the expression on my face, he quickly gave up on completing the sentence.
My face was full of pure hatred for Kevin. If this was anywhere outside the office, I would have already given him a black eye for daring to speak about Kathy like that. But I had to control myself.
“Did you not hear me?” I barked. “To your desks!”
I stormed into my office, slamming the door behind me. My entire body was filled with rage and jealousy as I imagined Kathy cozying up to Kevin. The thought of any other man touching her seemed to set myself ablaze. I wanted to kill anyone who dared to lay their hands on her.