“We do have some experience… outside the office,” he reminded me.
“Today, we are going to do an exercise with your partner,” Lauren explained.
“One of you will be blindfolded, while the other will guide them through the obstacles I have set out for them using only your words,” she instructed. “Winning this challenge will mean that the two of you can efficiently and effectively under times of stress, which is an important component of a great team.”
“You’ll be the one blindfolded,” Dylan said to me instantly. From his tone, I knew there was no room to argue.
All the teams lined up around the obstacle course and Dylan carefully put a blindfold on my head to cover my eyes.
“Don’t worry,” he reassured. “We’ve got this.”
When Lauren announced it was time to go, I had to completely rely on the sound of Dylan’s voice to move through the obstacle course.
“What do I do?” I said, panicking slightly. I was flailing my arms around, trying to feel anything that came my way.
“Kathy, I need you to calm down first,” his voice was so authoritative, I froze up instantly.
“Okay,” I replied, feeling a bit breathless suddenly.
“Listen to my instructions, okay?” he said and I nodded.
“I need you to take one small step forward, and then move to your left,” he said.
I nodded, trusting him completely.
“Good,” he said. “Now, be careful. There’s an obstacle in front of you. I need you to go over it. Can you do that?”
“Am I going to fall on my face?” I asked, scared.
“I’ll catch you if you do,” he assured me. “One the count of three, I want you to jump forward.”
To my surprise, I landed safely. Around me, I heard a lot of teams screaming at each other, cheering and hustling. But Dylan and I were much calmer, focusing on each other’s voices. So far so good.
“What do I now?” I asked.
I listened attentively to everything Dylan said, carefully following his precise instructions. Even though I couldn’t see anything, soon I felt confident in every step that I took.
Dylan was not going to lead me to failure. I trusted him completely.
“We are almost at the finish line,” Dylan said to me.
At one point I fell, missing a step.
“Come on, Kathy,” he encouraged. “You got this.”
I got up, dusted myself, and was back at it again. Finally, I knew I had reached the end of the obstacle course when Dylan told me.
“You made it!”
I took off my blindfold and Dylan high-fived me. I noticed that I was the first one to reach the end. Everyone started clapping and cheering.
“Wow,” Lauren said, coming over to congratulate us. “You did it! You finished the course in record time. That means you two make a great team.”
Dylan grinned and I felt proud of ourselves. He and I made a winning team. From the corner of my eye, I felt Kevin glaring at us.
“I’ve never seen Dylan in such a fun mood,” Caitlyn said to me as I gulped down a glass of water. “I guess you two really do make a great team.”