An involuntary chuckle escaped my lips at her antics.

“I’m sure it’s not going to be that bad,” I offered a half-baked reassurance. “It’s supposed to boost the morale.”

Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

“Do you really believe that? They have these useless things every year. It’s all a load of crap. Doing it over two days is the worst idea ever.” she said.

“I see,” I pursed my lips. “Hey, do you think Dylan is going to be here?”

I tried to keep my face as straight as I possibly could, but the truth was, I could not wait for him to show up.

Last night had been out of this world. I was not going to sleep with him anymore, but the chemistry between us was off the charts. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced in my life. The fact that he came to see me in distress was enough to let all the guards down.

“No way,” Caitlyn laughed. “He will not be caught dead showing up to something like this. He thinks too highly of himself.”

“Oh,” my face fell immediately but Caitlyn didn’t notice. The session had started, and everyone was beginning to take their places.

“Now, for our first activity of the day, I want you all to pair up in teams,” a middle-aged woman spoke into a mic. “My name is Lauren, by the way. I’ll be your facilitator for this session.”

My eyes scanned the room for a prospective partner. I could already see that Kevin had spotted me from the other side of the room, grinning as I caught his eye.

“I suggest that you pair up with someone you don’t really know too well,” Lauren continued.

“How about someone you really want to get to know more of?” Kevin’s voice startled me.

“I’m not sure if that’s what she meant,” I said, laughing nervously. I scanned the room for any sign of Dylan, but he was nowhere to be found.

Maybe Caitlyn was right. He probably had more important things to do than to attend these silly sessions.

“Please gather in the center of the room with your partner,” Lauren announced.

“Ready to go, team?” Kevin nudged me, seeming over the moon at the prospect of pairing up with me.

I gave him a weak nod. The two of us turned around and started to walk to the center of the room.

“Actually Kevin,” a deep voice caused both of our heads to turn back. “It would be a better idea if you paired up with Caitlyn.”

The disappointment on Kevin’s face was obvious. But even he couldn’t say no to the grump boss. He nodded curtly and then scurried off to find a new partner.

“You’re here,” I beamed as Dylan started to walk with me to the center of the room.

“Did I have any reason not to?” he replied, keeping his gaze straight ahead.

“I was under the impression that you usually skip out on these things,” I said, remembering what Caitlyn had told me earlier.

“And you need better sources,” there was a hint of a smile lingering on the corner of his lips.

The pairs of two gathered around in a circle with Lauren in the middle. Around me, I could hear whispers as everyone else began to notice that Dylan was in attendance. They started to behave more professionally.

“Now, we will be doing a series of exercises to test communication skills between the two partners,” Lauren explained to the crowd of corporate teams. “The end goal is to develop a stronger working relationship with each other. You should be able to understand the other person better, if you are to successfully complete the given tasks.”

“Are you ready to understand me better?” I teased and whispered to Dylan, feeling playful.

Judging by how surprised everyone seemed to see Dylan, I wondered if he had shown up today just for me. Wishful thinking, maybe. But it put a smile on my face.

“I wouldn’t even know where to start,” he replied.

“You already know we make a great team,” I said to him.