"I want all of you to start putting in one hundred percent at work," he said. "I want a progress report on my desk from each and every one of you first thing tomorrow morning. I will personally talk to you if need be."

There was a series of nods and agreements. He sounded so intimidating that no one really dared to speak up against him—not even the daredevil, Kevin, this time.

"Good," he said. "Now, you may all get back to work."

As I left the conference room, I could still feel his fierce gaze on my back. For a moment, I considered the ridiculous possibility that the only reason he had called a meeting was so that he would see me again. But I quickly discarded that thought.After all, he hadn't even told me that he liked me. As disappointing as it was all I had were my own delusions.

Kevin appeared in front of me out of nowhere and blocked the path to my desk. He seemed excited.

"Mademoiselle," he said, tipping his proverbial hat at me.

"What is it, Kevin?" I sounded as annoying as I could be, taking the seat at my desk. Just at that moment, my phone dinged to announce a new text message.

I let out a squeal of excitement when I realized that the dating app suggested I had a match with someone. The guy had sent me a flagrant message asking if I were down to have sex tonight. My smile quickly faded.

"Gross," I muttered to myself, putting my phone away. I noticed Kevin was still there, staring at me with an amused expression on his face.

"I heard you joined a dating app," he said with a mischievous smile, as he gazed at my phone and then back to my face.

"Who told you that?" I squinted. "Kevin, you should stop being so nosey."

"Hey, no need to attack me," Kevin put up his hands in the air in a resigned manner. "You already know how fast gossip travels in this office. Besides, I was just curious. How is it going?"

"Not too great," I said, shuddering as I thought of the annoying message I had just received.

"Not going to lie," Kevin chuckled. "I did see you squinting at your phone earlier. It was just funny to watch, how disgusted you seemed."

"It's definitely slim pickings out there," I sighed, thinking of all the profiles I had swiped through today and none of them seemed like they would be a good match for me.

"Hey, maybe you don't have to look so far for love?" Kevin's tone was heavily suggestive now, as he wiggled his eyebrows at me, waiting for my answer.

"If you're suggesting yourself…" I could not help but chuckle. "Then I think you're mistaken."

"Why not? What’s wrong with me?" he whined in response. "It'll be loads better than picking up some random pervert from a dating app. Think about it, Kathy. I thought you wanted to try new things."

I considered his words for a moment. Could I really see myself going out with Kevin? He has been persistent and was always straightforward asking me out on a date instead of playing mind games with me. After all, maybe it was not such a bad idea to give him a chance to get to know each other more.

"The answer is yes," Kevin prodded. "Let's not pretend that you don’t think I am the funniest, most charming and handsome guy in the office. Am I right?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "I don't know about that, but you sure are the most insufferable guy in the office."

"See? We’re bantering now, I like that," he grinned, his eyes sparkling. "It's going so well already."

I pursed my lips and stole one last look towards Dylan's office. If I had any chance of getting over him, I had to at least try and dive into new world of getting to know other men.And maybe, that meant saying yes to a date with an annoying co-worker. I mean, how bad could it be if he is so into me?

"Okay, Kevin," I sucked in a sharp breath. "I’ll give it a try."

"You will?" He sounded stunned.

"I'll go out on a date with you," I repeated in a reassuring tone.

Kevin's eyes widened in shock but he composed himself quickly. He then gave me a wink before walking back to his desk.

"Here's to new beginnings," I whispered to myself, feeling a small thrill of excitement.

I hoped I could get over Dylan if I distracted myself enough.

Chapter 19