Work was piling up like there was no tomorrow. Files to go through, meetings, presentations, and more paperwork to sign. Now that the weekend was over, my life had returned to its usual chaotic frequency where I didn’t get more than a minute to sit alone with my thoughts. But this evening, I finally had a moment to myself. I leaned back in my chair and stretched out my legs.

That’s when I heard what sounded like two voices arguing outside my office. Curiosity got the better of me and I walked over to the window, opening my blinds just enough to get a clear view of what was happening.

It was Kathy and Kevin. And they seemed to be engaged in an intense conversation. Usually, I never bothered myself with trivial office gossip but because it involved Kathy, I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

“They’re likely just fighting over some work thing,” I told myself, with my eyes still fixated on the duo.

Suddenly, to my surprise, Kevin reached out and grabbed Kathy’s hand. My immediate impulse was to go out there and tell him off for touching her. But she handled the situation quite well and it did not take long before he backed away and went back to his desk.

I found myself still staring at Kathy through the window. My mind was buzzing with all sorts of thoughts and unanswered questions. What business did Kevin have talking to Kathy? I felt a tinge of an unfamiliar emotion as I considered the possibility that something could be brewing between the two of them.

Was I jealous?

I pushed the thought away as quickly as it came.

“That’s ridiculous,” I muttered to myself as I went back to my desk.

I had no reason to be jealous. It was true that Kathy and I had overstepped some boundaries in our professional relationship. But that didn’t mean anything. She was just one of many one night stands I’d had. The only difference was since she works for me, I got to see her every day even after sleeping with her. I could not deny how much I enjoyed her company outside of work and the fact that I loved every minute of fucking her brains out. Her vivacious personality and smart, sassy attitude made me want to claim her in bed, but that did not mean I was going to break my own rule to develop feelings for her. I knew it was impossible. Relationships are demanding and time consuming. I wanted nothing of it.

But as much as I tried to tell myself all that, my mind kept reeling back at the possibility of Kathy and Kevin being a couple. Just the mere thought of it made my jaw clench and my fist ball up. Not wanting to sit alone with my thoughts anymore, I decided to call my assistant in and take action.

“I need you to do something important,” I told her with a serious expression. “Circulate the policy of no office romances to all the employees today.”

My assistant looked back at me with a concerned expression. “Did something happen?”

“No,” I replied. “But it’s best that they get a reminder before something does happen.”

“Sure, I’ll take care of that,” she said, before exiting my office.

I decided to throw myself back to work when my phone rang.

“Yes, Mom,” I picked up it. I didn’t know what she had to tell me since we had spent the entire weekend together.

“I have some great news for you,” her tone was cheery.

“What might that be?”

“Well, last weekend was so fun that I have decided to come visit you soon,” she announced. “I can’t wait to spend time with you and Kathy again.”

Shit!I tried to come up with something but her voice sounded so excited that I felt guilty about spoiling her happy mood by immediately denying her a visit. In any case, she wouldn’t listen to me.

“Of course, Mom,” I replied after swallowing once. “I’m sure Kathy will be thrilled to see you.”

“I hope so, too. See you very soon.”

When I hung up the phone, the reality of the situation finally caught up to me. If she was going to visit me this week, that would mean I would either need to explain to her why Kathy was not there or I would have to convince Kathy to be my pretend girlfriend again. Knowing my mother, the latter suddenly seemed a lot more doable.

I walked outside my office and saw Kathy still busy at her desk. Her eyebrows were knitted together, all her attention focused on the computer screen in front of her. So much so, that when I went over to her, she nearly jumped up in surprise.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” I started out, sheepishly.

“It’s alright. Did you need updates on the work?” Her tone was impersonal.

“Actually,” I lowered my voice, looking around to see if anyone else was listening in. “Can you come into my office for a moment?”

She looked visibly confused but nodded and followed me into my office anyway. When the doors closed behind her, she folded her arms in front of her.

“I have a feeling this isn’t going to be about work,” she remarked plainly.