I bit down on my lip. I had never been particularly good at keeping secrets, but if I was being honest, it didn’t even feel like I had spent the weekend with the same person who was my boss.

All morning, Dylan had not said a word to me. Not even a good morning, nothing. It was almost like he was going out of his way to avoid me. When he called a meeting to discuss the new project, he didn’t look in my direction even once.

“Should we be ready for another unexpected change in the completion date for this one?” I spoke up in the meeting.

I was tired of Dylan pretending like I didn’t even exist. Finally, he looked my way.

“No, I don’t think so,” he replied curtly, then promptly went back to explaining the project.

I sat back in my chair and fumed inwardly. It was like he had two different personalities. By the time the meeting was over, I was in a sour mood. I wasn’t sure if it was from my growing attraction towards him that snuck up this past weekend, or the fact that Dylan didn’t seem to share any of that.

I promised myself that from this moment I was not going to think about him anymore. Whatever dumb little crush I had on him had to be nipped in the bud.

“You look like you’ve had better days,” a voice pulled me out of my brooding thoughts.

It was Kevin, who had come to speak to me at my desk.

“Not now, Kevin,” I snapped. “I’m not in the mood.”

My irritation supposedly amused him. “But you’re never in the mood.”

“All the more reason for you to leave me alone then,” I said, and tried to focus my attention on my computer screen.

“I can think of a few ways I can get you in the mood,” he replied in a suggestive tone.

“You know, HR won’t be too happy to hear that you’re blatantly flirting with the new employee,” I had hoped to sound at least mildly threatening, but Kevin only appeared more amused than he had been previously.

“Fair enough,” he grinned. “But I’m sure HR won’t mind any flirtations that may happen off the clock.”

His determination would be admirable if he wasn’t the most annoying person on the face of the planet.

“It’s not going to happen,” I told him.

“Come on, Kathy,” he whined. “Why can’t you give me a chance?”

“I don’t think I need to justify myself to you,” I raised an eyebrow at him.

He put both hands on my desk and leaned in close. “Is it because you have a boyfriend?”

“No, there’s no boyfriend.” As I said those words my mind immediately went back to Dylan’s chiseled body and I felt a warm flush spread across my cheeks.

“Then perhaps a secret fiancé?” He grabbed my hand and began to look for a ring.

“No,” I yanked my hand away and glared at him. “A woman can be perfectly happy and content without a man, you know.”

“You’re so feisty,” his grin only grew larger. “I like that about you.”

“Kevin,” I rolled my eyes at him. “You have five seconds to leave my desk before I call HR on you.”

“All right, all right,” he threw up his hands and began to retreat. “But I’m not giving up just yet.”

“In your dreams,” I murmured under my breath, shaking my head at what had just occurred.

Even if Kevin was annoying, I had to admit that it was a bit of a boost to my ego that he wanted me so much. And only God knew how badly I needed it after having Dylan ignore me all day long.

Chapter 13
