“Dylan, my son,” she said, going over to hug him. Just from the way she reacted to seeing Dylan, I could tell that she was a really doting mother.

And then her attention turned to me. She extended her arms to me, and I could see that her nails were perfectly manicured.

“And you must be Kathy,” she said in a bubbly tone. “You have no idea how excited I am to finally meet you.”

“It’s great to meet you too,” Her words were so kind and loving that I did not feel the need to force my smile.

“I was so happy when my son told me that he’s finally found someone,” she led us to the main sitting area of the house. “I never thought I would get to see the day.”

“As you can see, my mother loves being dramatic,” Dylan said sheepishly.

I gave him a reassuring look. If he wanted me to put on a convincing show in front of his mother, then that is exactly what he was going to get.

“He’s wonderful,” I proclaimed loudly. “In fact, I had all but given up hope on any prospects of love when he decided to waltz right into my life.”

I could see that his mom was hanging onto every word.

“Do you two have a lot in common?” His mother wasn’t addressing the obvious elephant in the room, which was the noticeable age gap between the two of us.

“She’s mature for her age,” Dylan said quickly.

I shot him a look. Sure, I was young, but it wasn’t like I was a college freshman.

“I like to think that I keep him young,” I replied cheekily.

His mother clapped her hands together in delight. “She’s so lovely!”

I smiled to myself. As far as first impressions went, I had this in the bag.

With that, the rest of our meet-and-greet passed smoothly. Dylan’s mom was eager to show me around the house.

“You know, they always tell you that they grow up fast. But you never really understand until you go through it,” she said in a sentimental tone as she showed me around his old bedroom.

“I can imagine it must be hard since he is your only son,” I replied.

“Yes, it’s been a long time since he’s lived at home. But I still miss him all the time,” she said earnestly. “You see, no matter how old he gets he will always be my little boy.”

It was heartening to see his mother like that.

“He talks about you a lot,” I told her, causing her eyes to light up immediately.

“Does he?” she asked. “Sometimes I think he’d forgotten all about his folks in his new and busy life.”

I shook my head. “Not at all. In fact, he tells me stories about you all the time. I can tell that he’s super attached to you,” I told her.

Sure, I was making it all up. But seeing the happiness on her face made my little white lie seem harmless. After all, I was already pretending to be someone I wasn’t. It surely didn’t hurt to add a little more color.

His mother took my hand and began to show me around his old room.

“He was always obsessed with music,” she told me. “If he hadn’t ended up in doing his own business, I’m sure he would have been a musician instead.”

“A musician,” I repeated, as I went through some of the old CDs in his room. I was surprised to find that our taste in music was similar. I recognized many of my favorite artists lined up on his shelf. “Did he play any instruments?”

His mom nodded. “He was obsessed with the electric guitar back in the day. It came to a point where his father and I had to disconnect his amp at night, or we would get no sleep,” she admitted with a small laugh. There was a wistfulness in her face as she recounted the memory.

“I used to sing back when I was in college,” I told her, running my hand over some of his CD’s.

“Rhythm and melody,” she replied. “You really are the perfect match for him.”