“Kathy, you can take it from here,” he said.

I nodded and started to deliver the speech I had practiced far too many times in my head. I made sure that my voice didn’t waiver and I could see the investors nod their heads as I explained to them the work that our company had done.

When my presentation was over, Mr. Johnson got up from his seat and gave me a round of applause.

“Wonderful work,” he said. “I was initially wary of too many potential risks this project might bring but looking over all the details, I’m more than convinced that we need to keep on investing in your company.”

“I am happy to hear that, Mr. Johnson,” Dylan grinned as he shook his hand.

“And Kathy did a marvelous job,” Mr. Johnson continued, nodding at me. “I feel confident now that I see how many competent people are on your team.”

“It’s all a team effort,” I smiled, meeting Dylan’s gaze. He held eye contact with me for a long minute, but it felt like an eternity.

When I walked out of the meeting room, I was greeted by an avalanche of hugs and congratulations.

“He’s definitely giving you a promotion next quarter,” Jeff grinned. “You killed it.”

“And I love the new look,” Caitlyn winked. “I’m pretty sure I saw Dylan staring at you when he thought no one was looking.”

“Thanks,” I replied shyly. Now that the presentation was over, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

“Finally, I get to have an actual weekend,” I muttered to myself. My schedule was free for the first time in weeks, and I couldn’t wait to spend it doing absolutely nothing.

I was in the middle of packing my things to leave when I got an urgent memo.

“Kathy, could you please come into Dylan’s office for a moment?” Dylan’s secretary called out, startling me.

“He wants to see me?” I asked, confused. My mind immediately went into overdrive, and I started concocting all the possible things that could have gone wrong.

Was there something wrong with the presentation? Did the investors change their minds and decide to pull out?

“Don’t worry,” his secretary smiled. “He said it’s urgent though, so if you could come in now that would be perfect.”

Biting my lower lip, I nodded and started toward Dylan’s office. Now that the post-presentation euphoria had faded, I felt myself getting nervous again, facing Dylan one on one.

“Well, I guess this is it...” I mumbled to myself before knocking on the door to his office.

Chapter 9


Iwas still buzzing with the high of a successful project presentation, rubbing elbows with the investors, when my phone rang. Every time I would decline the call, it would start ringing again the very next minute. Finally, I gave up and decided to take it.

“Can you excuse me for a moment, please?” I said to the investors. “It’s my mother.”

Mr. Johnson let out a hearty chuckle. “Yes, you should probably take that.”

I found a secluded corner of the office and answered. I could only imagine what she wanted from me next.

“Dylan, you need to really stop ignoring my calls like this,” my mom’s voice was shrill and urgent.

“I was in a meeting, Mom,” I replied. “What’s going on? Is it urgent?”

“Of course it is. I wanted to ask when you’re planning to fly in tomorrow. I hope you haven’t forgotten about the dinner I have planned for you and your girlfriend,” she said.

“Oh,” I cursed inwardly. I had been so preoccupied with work that I’d completely forgotten about the dinner my mother had invited me to.

“Is everything okay?” my mother’s tone was concerned.