I was left staring at my phone screen, instantly regretting my decision.How the hell was I going to find a girlfriend by the weekend?

Chapter 8


“It’s like you’re in a relationship with that laptop of yours,” Sarah said to me when she arrived at my apartment.

I looked up briefly from my screen to greet her and then went straight back to work.

“I have a deadline to meet,” I told her, typing frantically.

“I know, I can tell,” she laughed and then handed me a box of donuts. “Listen, stop for a minute. The work’s not going anywhere. It’s like 11 p.m. right now. Can’t you take a break?”

Sighing, I took the box of donuts from her hands and decided it was time for a break after all.

“I’m sorry, I just really want this to go well,” I sighed.

“Kathy, making it in the big city,” Sarah laughed as she took away the laptop from me. “No more work talk for the next fifteen minutes okay?”

“Fine,” I agreed begrudgingly. “How are things with you?”

“You know, living life. My son is starting first grade soon, so that’s pretty exciting,” Sarah told me, snuggling next to me on the sofa.

I looked at her and smiled. She didn’t look much different than she did in high school, but life had changed so much for her since then. Now she was a single mom, and the father wasn’t in the picture at all.

“That’s awesome,” I told her, squeezing her hand gently. “Sometimes I’m in awe of how you do such a great job at raising him all by yourself. You should be proud of you, mama bear.”

She shrugged then gave a weak smile. “Eventually, you get used to it.”

“Have you thought of getting back out there again?” My curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn’t help myself asking the burning question.

“Have you seen the men here in New York?” she laughed. “I am better off single.”

My mind reeled back to the ‘date’ I had with Kevin the night before. “God, you’re right about that. I got to see that for myself first-hand the other day.”

Suddenly, Sarah’s eyes lit up. “You didn’t tell me you went out on a date,” she scooted closer to me.

I shook my head, much to her disappointment. “It wasn’t so much of a date. My co-worker asked me out for drinks, and well, while we were there, I got the sense that he probably thought it was a date.”

Sarah chuckled loudly. “What is with you and dating men from your office? I feel like I need to come down there myself and see why they’ve cast such a spell on you.”

“Going out for drinks with someone is hardly considered dating territory,” I corrected her.

“Yeah, but sleeping with your boss is,” she winked, causing my cheeks to turn a shade of red.

“Let’s not talk about him anymore,” I sighed. “He’s been a tyrant over this new project.”

“So, he’s naturally domineering,” Sarah replied. “Sexy.”

“I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend,” I corrected, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Scandalous,” Sarah laughed. “Is it someone from the office? I can’t believe you’re in an illicit love-triangle.”

I threw a scatter cushion in her direction. “Stop. Your fantasies are ridiculous,” I chuckled. “I need to get back to reality and work!”

“I was just trying to lighten your mood,” Sarah shrugged. “You look so much better with a smile on your face.”

I had to smile at that. Being on my own in a new city, it felt nice that someone out here was thinking of me.