I couldn’t believe someone could be this persistent. Shaking my head, I pointed her to the door.

“We aren’t dating, Carla,” I told her. “I have no interest in doing that with you, ever. The sooner you get that, the better.”

Carla laughed it off at first. But as soon as she realized I was serious, her expression changed completely.

“Then why did you tell your mother yes, and waste my time?” she asked, still refusing to budge from her spot.

“I didn’t ask her,” I sighed. “My mother tends to set me up. She didn’t really give me a choice in this.”

Carla walked over to me and stroked my arms. “Maybe I can change your mind,” I figured she was trying to be seductive, but it just came off as desperate.

“I highly doubt that,” I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. “Now, you can leave yourself or I’ll have security escort you out. Your choice.”

“Fucking asshole,” she cursed loudly and then accidentally stubbed her toe against the side of my desk as she tried to walk out. “I should have never wasted my time with you.”

“And goodbye to you too,” I murmured as I watched her storm out of my office.

I tried to shift my focus back to my computer screen but it didn’t take long for my phone to start ringing once Carla had left. I looked at it, wondering if I was going to have to block her number, but found that it was my mom calling me instead.

“Hello, Mother dearest,” I said, switching my tone to be lighter.

“Dylan, how could you do this?” She sounded pissed.

“Do what?” I shrugged, feigning innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t act smart with me,” she warned. “Is it true that you were incredibly rude to Carla? She called me crying, and I was so embarrassed because I set the two of you up.”

“Carla had some misconceptions about the nature of our relationship, and I simply cleared them up,” I replied.

“She is a good girl, Dylan. You’re going to run out of women to date if you keep doing this. It took me a long time to find someone who I thought could go on a date with you and now I’m going to have to do the entire thing all over again,” her voice teemed with the frustration she felt toward me.

“No, please don’t,” I hurriedly replied. “I don’t want you setting me up on any more dates again.”

“And why not? As your mother, I need to take some responsibility if you’re not going to do anything about it,” she said.

“Mom, no. Please. Actually, you know what, I’ve found someone,” I blurted. I lied out of desperation.

My mother’s tone softened immediately, and I could almost feel her anger toward me dissipating.

“You’ve found someone?” she asked curiously.

“I… uh, yes, and that’s why I can’t go out on any more dates,” I told her firmly, hoping it would be enough for her to get off my case.

“Dylan, this is the best news you’ve ever given me,” she gushed. “I feel horrible for being so hard on you now that you’ve told me the truth. You have to let me make it up to you.”

I let out a sigh of relief. If I’d known this was all it would take to get my mother to ease up, I would have conjured up a pretend-girlfriend ages ago.

“It’s okay, Mom,” I leaned back into my office chair. “You don’t need to do anything. Just don’t set me up on any more dates, okay?”

“But I have to meet her!” she insisted. “You can’t just drop this news on me and not tell me anything else.”

“She’s uh, she’s pretty special and I think we’re a great match,” I lied. “But she’s usually busy, so I don’t know if she can meet you anytime soon.”

“That’s ridiculous,” she tutted. “How about you bring her to see me this weekend? In fact, I won’t take no for an answer. You need to bring her over.”

“But—" I tried to argue my way out of it, but my mom wasn’t letting me get in a single word.

“This weekend, Dylan. I’ll see you and your girlfriend at the house. That’s final,” she said and then the line went dead.