“I just don’t want you to take this the wrong way. I’m not really interested in anything right now,” I replied, feeling the guilt creep up on me. Kevin had looked so excited earlier, and I hated to be the one to burst his bubble.

“So, you’re telling me there’s not a single guy in New York that has caught your eye yet?” He didn’t sound very convinced.

“I just,” I took another sip of my drink, trying to organize my thoughts. “I haven’t really been looking, I guess.”

Kevin laughed loudly. “Kathy, you’re an enigma, I swear. And every time I see you, I just want to figure you out.”

“Sure,” I quipped back. “You can try figuring it out at the office.”

“Strictly business?” he asked.

“Kevin, I’m not looking to date anyone,” I finally blurted out. “I’m sorry.”

To my surprise, he laughed as though I had just told him a funny joke.

“I didn’t say anything about dating, but now that you mention it,” he trailed off.

I shot him a warning look right away.

“Okay, fine,” he agreed. “Let’s just enjoy our evening for now. We can talk about the specifics later.”

Chapter 7


The door to my office flew open and I was greeted by a fiercely annoyed-looking Carla, walking in with her hands resting on top of her hips.

“Did you lose your phone?” she demanded once she saw me looking at her with a surprised expression on her face.

“Um…” I hesitated, wondering how my security just let her walk in like that. “No, I did not.”

“Well, then why aren’t you returning any of my calls and texts?” she asked, walking over to sit on the edge of my desk.

“Carla…” I sighed. “I’ve been really busy with work.”

“Yeah, I know you’re a workaholic and all, but we had such an amazing time the other day. I was expecting you to call me,” she pouted.

I blinked once to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.Was this woman delusional?

“We seem to have very different ideas of what happened on that day,” I replied curtly.

“Let’s not spend too much time dwelling on the past,” she flicked her hair. “I need you to tell me when and where our next date is going to be so that I can plan out my outfit.”

I felt my temper start to unravel but fought it back. I wasn’t interested in her at all, but also didn’t necessarily want things to get ugly.

“Carla, I don’t have time for this right now,” I replied, looking for a polite way to ask her to leave. “I told you, I’m extremely busy with work right now.”

“Work shmork,” she imitated. “A man like you needs a woman to take care of him.” She moved her hands up to the collar of my shirt and pulled me in to her. “And I think I’m just the one for you.”

“I think there’s been some sort of a misunderstanding,” I said, trying to pry myself out of her grubby paws. “When someone doesn’t return any of your calls, it’s not considered a sign of interest.”

She laughed. “Is that so? I assumed you were just playing hard to get all this time. But I forgive you. You can make it up to me.”

She batted her eyelashes at me and contorted her face in a way that she probably thought looked hot and sexy but in reality, she just seemed ridiculous. I shook my head and rose from my desk in an effort to get away from her.

“I told you I don’t have the time for this right now, Carla,” a hint of annoyance seeped into my tone.

“No time for your girlfriend?” she fired back and crossed her arms over her chest.