“I should really get back to work,” I said, picking up my coffee mug. “Break’s over.”

Back at my desk, I couldn’t help but sneak glances at Dylan’s door. The woman was still inside his office.

“What are they even talking about?” I wondered out loud. All this time, I thought I would be okay with Dylan being nothing more than my boss but now, I was having second thoughts.

It was absurd that I got irrationally jealous about some woman coming in to see him. Dylan and I hadn’t exchanged more than a few words with each other since I had started working here and all our conversations had been strictly professional.

“He doesn’t owe you anything,” I told myself, and tried to get my mind off him.

When the day was over, I was packing up at my desk when Kevin made another appearance.

“You must be tired,” he remarked, as he helped me pack some of my things.

“I think I’m just ready for this day to end,” I sighed.

The pressure coupled with the surprising jealousy I had today was enough for me to want to go home and not think about this day ever again.

“I feel you,” he said and then clasped his hands together as though he was nervous about something.

“Do you have something you need to tell me?” I asked, looking up at him.

“I was wondering if you’re free tonight,” he said, observing my face carefully. “I mean, right now. Are you free right now?”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, there’s this great bar down the road from here, and since I promised you that I would show you around New York, I thought we could go together.”

I considered his words for a moment. Dylan had a girlfriend, so it wasn’t like he was waiting around to ask me out any time soon. Maybe getting drinks with Kevin would help me get my mind off things.

“Sure,” I replied.

“Really?” Kevin’s tone was surprised, and then a massive grin spread across his face. “I mean, great. Let’s go.”

As I followed him out of the office, I couldn’t help but wish that somehow Dylan would spot the two of us together. As pathetic as it sounded, I wanted him to notice. But Dylan was working overtime today. He hadn’t come out of his office all day, not even when the girl who visited him had left.

When we got to the bar, Kevin was extremely chatty. He ordered a drink for me without even asking what I’d wanted.

“Trust me,” he promised. “You’ll love it. All the girls do.”

“Do you bring a lot of girls to this bar?” I asked, looking around the dimly lit room.

There was some music blaring in the back that made it difficult to hear what Kevin was saying and as a result, I had to scoot closer to him just to talk.

“Only the ones who are worth it,” he replied with a smirk.

“I see. How’s progress on work going?” I asked, settling on a neutral topic of discussion. I wasn’t sure how I felt about his flirting just yet.

“Kathyyyyy,” Kevin whined. “We’re off the clock, remember? No more mention of work.”

The bartender brought our drinks and as I took a sip out of mine, I thought to myself that maybe I should take Kevin’s advice. Thinking about work all the time was really beginning to stress me out and I could use some time off to relax. I noticed him staring at me from the corner of my eye.

“You know, there’s something really interesting about you,” he said. “Well, apart from the fact that you’re drop-dead gorgeous.”

It was blatant that Kevin was trying to flirt with me again. I laughed awkwardly, trying to dismiss his advances.

“I think we make good co-workers,” I stressed, hoping he would take the hint.

“Oh, right. Co-workers,” he replied, the disappointment in his tone palpable.