Page 79 of Fear the Reapers

“No they wouldn't.”

They so would!

“Kujo told me just the other day that if I so much as went half-mast anywhere near you, I'd be pissing blood for a week.”

“I think I need to have along hardtalk with my brothers about my social life,” I told him and smirked when he adjusted himself. “It’s not like they aren’t aware of us all being together.”

“Stop,” he groaned. “You’re evil, you know that?”

Thirty minutes later we pulled into the parking lot next to the nightclub and parked. Once the guys and I were all out of the vehicle, we walked over to the front entrance where Liam had told us to meet him. I spotted him talking to the bouncer near an enormous line that snaked around the building.

Normally I wouldn’t have come here, but Liam insisted. It was the place to be apparently. According to him, the owners owed him a favour or ten. So all he had to do was drop his name with the bouncer at the door and we’d be given entry, no matter how long the line was.

“So, you weren’t able to shake your shadows?” he said.

“Didn’t want to.”

He shrugged his shoulders and told the bouncer, “Looks like we’re all here now.”

It wasn’t long before a muscular bouncer, wearing a tight fitting shirt, appeared and then we were led through the crowd, and around the side of the building so we could go in through the VIP entrance. As soon as the door swung open, the music flowed around us, the electronic beat thumping into the alley.

The man whispered in Liam’s ear and he nodded in response. Liam waved to motion us to follow. Then we were being led to the side of the dance floor where a couple of tables had been roped off. The small tables around the perimeter of the floor had already been filled, making me thankful for the special treatment. Waitresses in skimpy clothing with glowing trays of shooters weaved through the crowd.

Liam had really lucked out. Although I shouldn’t be surprised. For as much time as he spent in his basement, he tended to meet the most interesting people outside of the computer. He made a lot of money and incurred debts of favours with what he did, but he also gave back by helping out people who didn’t have the means to pay for the solutions they needed.

The bouncer bumped his fist against Liam’s and then he left us.

“James said we can either wait for someone to come and take our drink order, or we can go up to the bar.”

I glanced at the guys.

“We’ll go get you both a drink,” Hunter said, then added. “We’re trusting you to watch her.”

“I can take care of myself.”

A little bit into the evening, I felt like I needed to splash some water on my face, so I left the guys at the bar and headed in the direction of the bathrooms. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out why the women’s bathroom was located on the top floor. No one wanted to have to take stairs when they were drunk.

My hand gripped the railing tightly as I pondered the thought that someone might be lurking behind me as I reached the top of the stairs. It had been too long since I’d been in a crowd of people that wasn’t inside the clubhouse.

What I really needed was a couple of drinks in my system to settle my nerves.

Once I dabbed some water on my neck and forehead, I went in search of the guys.

I found them fighting off the advances of some grabby handed women. Surprisingly I wasn’t jealous, which at the moment made absolutely no sense.

Shouldn’t I be seething at the attention they were getting while I wasn’t around?

Was I actually secure in my relationship with all three of them that it didn’t faze me when other women found them attractive?

In fact, I’d always been jealous of all the women Hunter hung around. Why was it different now? If anything, it should be more annoying to find them in this position. I should be more insecure about everything. After all, I was asking them to share me, but they weren’t expecting me to share them.

Where did that make any sense?

For a split second, I felt guilty for expecting everything from them, but then I remembered that they were getting something from me.

And I didn’t mean sex.

They were getting my time and attention, albeit sometimes divided. If anyone knew me, they knew I gave it my all with my friendships, so imagine what I’d give to someone I was in love with.