Page 73 of Fear the Reapers

“Before you go, Prez wanted you in his office.”

“Seriously?” I sighed. “How long has he been in there?”

He should be at home, not hanging around here.

“He’s been here all night, and he’s in a shit mood.”

“Have any idea why?”

“He’s in there arguing with his old lady right now. Maybe we’re in too tight of quarters?” he responded. “Either way I don’t think it’s a good idea to join just yet.”

That was when I realized the two of them were having a not so quiet argument in the office with the door wide open. Their behaviour was so out of character. Ana's voice carried through the room as she vented her anger.

And I wasn’t the only one listening.

“Why did you hide it from me?” I overheard Ana ask Erik.

“As a favour to your brother.”

Immediately I knew that Ana must have figured out Dimitri was her brother. With her not being around the guys all that much, it wasn’t a surprise that it took a couple months to figure out. It wasn’t my place to say.

“I’m yourwife,” Ana’s voice carried through the door.

“I’m well aware of that, but I promised I would keep quiet about it. We were going to tell you once everything died down.”

“Hate to break it to you, but itneverdies down in the Bratva. You ofallpeople should know how it works in that type of organization. Does it everdie downaround here?”

“I’m sorry you’re upset about this, but my hands were tied.”

“Your hands are going to be tied alright,” she huffed. “I hope that new couch you bought is more comfortable than it looks, ‘cause you’re gonna be spending several nights on it.”


“Don’t babe me, mister. He’s my brother and he’s been here under my nose for months. Time I could have spent getting to know him, but instead, when I met him, I treated him like he’s one of Alexei’s minions.”

“He kinda is.”

“From what I’ve seen with how he treats Harleigh, he’s nothing like Alexei.”

“Which is why I haven’t beaten him to a pulp for putting his hands on my sister.”

Ana pushed past me and stalked angrily down the hall to the room they’d been staying in.

“Is everything okay?” I asked. “Archer said you wanted to see me?”

Erik ran his fingers through his hair, tugging a bit at the roots, then exhaled before glancing up at me from his desk. “I imagine you heard everything?”

I nodded. “I’m surprised it took her this long to figure it out,” I responded.

“You knew?”

“They have the same eyes. Their mannerisms might be different because they weren’t raised together, but the family resemblance is difficult to miss. Kind of like us, the genetics are strong in that family.”

“I didn’t want to keep it from her, but with everything that Alexei is dealing with in his organization, it was safer if no one knew who Dimitri was. It was easy enough for us to hide Ana because she’s married to me, but Dimitri, not as much. Alexei needed him away from everything.”

“So he wasn’t a plant?” I teased.

He chuckled. “My wife might forgive me for keeping him a secret, but she would never forgive me if I let him be killed for a power play if I could keep him away from all of that.”