Page 63 of Fear the Reapers

“Do we really have time for any fundraising?” Tank asked.

“I know we’re all going through some crazy shit right now, but we can’t back out on something we agreed to.”

“I agree,” Kujo responded from the doorway.

“And on that note, time for everyone to get back to what they were doing.”

As we all filed out of the room, one thing was made clear: things were changing, and fast.

My life was evolving into an even more complicated mess, and three of the guys I was attracted to were currently living on the same floor as me. If I were to be honest with myself, I liked the idea of them all being close.



It was harderto ignore the news lately, especially when something nefarious was going on with the youth of Sandstone. The school board recently reported that two of the high schools in our community were experiencing an inordinate number of students showing up to class completely trashed out of their minds on meth.

Normally we only got involved when the drug dealers were working in our area, or we caught them in the middle of a transaction with an underaged individual. That was until Liam’s aunt contacted him about his younger cousin Gabby. She was still clinging to life in the hospital and two of her friends had died from complications related to trying a bad batch of meth. The more he investigated the situation, the further the problem went.

The police didn’t seem to know what to do with the problem, or if they did, they probably didn’t know where to start. That was where we could come in. We had our hands in everything, and our reach was far. We put out some feelers to see if we could locate the meth lab before more teens succumbed to their destructive behaviour and died too soon.

It didn’t take us long to find what we were looking for.

Liam and I immediately went out and cased the neighbourhood and came up with a plan. I brought the plan to the club, and they approved getting involved. I didn’t always ask their permission to do what was necessary, but I wanted to make sure I had all the information before doing anything drastic. One of the other guys could have been working something on the side.

Kujo had told me about this crazy fire he set one time, and I liked the results so much that I wanted to put his method into play for these shitbags. I wasn’t a pyromaniac per se, but I liked the idea of setting the place on fire, maybe even causing some elaborate fireworks.

Everything would go out with a bang.

So, the day before our plan was scheduled to be carried out, I went to the shopping mall and bought a bulk supply of lightbulbs. Then I sent my brother to buy a jerry can from the gas station and filled it up with gas.

“Why are we doing this again?” Dimitri asked.

“For those teenagers who will never be able to graduate,” I responded.

These guys were part of the same crew who were assaulting the homeless people earlier in the week.

“Tell me again why we’re not in this business?”

“The Reapers used to be in the drug business, but when our father took over as President, he wanted to do something different. I have no problem with people using or selling drugs, if they leave the kids out of it. That’s where I draw the line.”

“Fair enough,” he responded. “So, tell me again why we don’t just throw Molotov cocktails at the bastards?”

“That would require us to show our faces,” Hunter responded. “This plan would almost guarantee no witnesses to the actual crime.”

“What he said,” I replied. “We won’t be anywhere near the warehouse when everything goes down.”

“It would be more fun to watch,” Dimitri responded.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have more chances to watch the demise of others.”

“Fine. So, explain to me what the plan is.”

I held up one of the old style sixty watt light bulbs in one hand and an electric drill in the other.

“We’re going to drill small holes in these bulbs and then fill them partially full of gasoline,” I explained.

“What’s that going to do?” he asked, as he got busy drilling the holes.