Page 6 of Fear the Reapers

Along with the unmistakable feeling of déjà vu, there was a feeling of weightlessness as they lifted me from a trunk and carried me to wherever they were taking me next. No matter how much I tried to move, my body wouldn’t cooperate.

An icy chill ran down my spine as dread overwhelmed me.

What the hell did they do to me while I was out before?

I clenched my thighs together, trying to figure out if I felt different.

How long had I been out in the company of these strange men?

I had yet to decipher who they were, but I could feel a sense of caution in the air as they spoke quietly while I was awake. For all I knew, it could be a fresh set of low life scumbags.

The Reapers had a lot of enemies.

Hell, I had a lot of enemies.

And if I were to be completely honest, they’d really been piling up over the past year.

From the creepy stalker lurking in the shadows to the bumbling idiots from my class.

Everyone probably had an issue with me.

I could just barely see through the cloth what felt like a thousand pinpoints of light. The only thing that told me what time it was, was the sun's heat on my body. As my captor carried me, my legs jostled with the rhythm of his steps.

The reverberation of the door slamming behind us was a sombre reminder that I had no control over what was about to happen. Now I had to concern myself with whether they had just carried me into a house of horrors. I inhaled deeply and the pungent scent of cigarettes and alcohol filled my nostrils as they carried me further into the building.

“Está despierta?” a voice called out.

I had remained quiet for the duration of the trek into the building, but my futile movements at the beginning would have alerted them. His response was quick and sudden, and I could feel myself being quickly passed off. Then I felt a tiny prick in my arm, and a numbing sensation rolled through me again until I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

For the fourth time in an unknown number of days.

Everything went dark.



It had beenfive days since we’d seen her.

River City was a bust.

We drove home with an overwhelming sense of defeat.

It was like she had disappeared into nothing. The woman who had quickly become everything to me. Sure, it started out as a fake relationship, even if it wasn’t fake to me. I fell in love with her independent streak, and I didn’t care if anyone called me pussy whipped.

If anyone knew myKisa, they knew she wouldn’t waste her time with a timid man. She wanted someone strong enough to toss her around in bed. Someone who didn’t act like his balls hurt from her taking control when she needed to, whether it be in bed or in life.

Our trip to River City was a complete waste of time, which meant we were out of options. The only solution I had was to call Alexei to see if he had any ideas. He was already dealing with enough bullshit back home, so I was leery of involving him in any of this.

But we had to find her.

The longer she was gone, the further she would be away from where she was meant to be. With us.


Need to talk.

Got a minute?